Figurative Language

German University has hired a new assistant professor. 

Who is Yuki?


This type of figurative language compares two things using "like" or "as."

What is simile?


Someone who is able to help plan, teach the lesson, and can answer questions from students. 

What is the role of teaching assistant? 


He was as fast as a cheetah.

What is simile?


Why do some schools hire AI teaching assistants?

It’s because schools face budget cuts, which forced them to lay off most of their teaching assistants.


The sun smiled down at me.

What is personification?


Would students be receptive to having AI teaching assistants in their classrooms? 

For👍🏻: Many students, particularly those growing up in the digital age, might find the idea of AI teaching assistants intriguing and engaging. 

Against👎🏻: Some students might feel uncomfortable or intimidated by the presence of AI in the classroom.

(Or any other possible answers)

She was dying of laughter.

What is hyperbole?


What potential effects might the use of AI teaching assistants have on students’ educational experiences and outcomes?

Positive Effects: 

- Efficiency: AI can automate routine tasks like grading, freeing up teachers to focus on more meaningful interactions with students.

Negative Effects:

- Dependency: Over Reliance on AI teaching assistants could hinder students’ ability to think critically, problem-solve independently, and engage in collaborative learning.


The train sneaks along the narrow winding tracks.

What is metaphor?