Ali- Literary+ Academic Words
Ali - Critical Thinking- Literature
Ali - Character Development
Tales from the Odyssey- Vocabulary
Tales from the Odyssey- Comprehension
Tales from the Odyssey - Themes & Messages

Question: What is figurative language? Provide an example from the book and create your own example.

Answer: Figurative language is writing or speech that is not meant to be read as fact. It creates vivid images by comparing two different things. Example from the book: "The violets whisper from the shade." Student's own example: "The wind sang a lullaby."


Question: The protagonist is the main character, often the 'good guy.' The antagonist is the 'bad guy' who opposes the protagonist. Who is the protagonist in the story "Ali, Child of the Desert"? Give an example of the protagonist from the story.

Answer: The protagonist in the story is Ali. An example of Ali as the protagonist is when he bravely faces the challenges of the desert journey.


**Question:** How is Ali described at the beginning of the story? Provide a specific example from the text.

**Answer:** At the beginning of the story, Ali is described as a young boy eager to prove himself. For example, "Until now, Ali had been too young to go on the yearly journey to the market. But this year, at last, he could show his father that he was ready to be a man."


Question: What does the word "veil" mean as used in the prologue?

Answer: A veil is something that covers or hides something. In the prologue, it refers to the clouds hiding Mount Olympus.


Question: Where does "The Odyssey Begins" take place after the Greek ships leave Troy?

Answer: It takes place on the sea as the Greek ships encounter a storm.


Question: What is one major theme introduced in the prologue of "The Odyssey"?

Answer: One major theme is the influence and power of the gods over human lives.


Question: Define "personification" and identify an instance of personification from the book. Create your own sentence using personification.

Answer: Personification is a type of figurative language that gives human qualities to nonhuman things. Example from the book: "The violets whisper from the shade." Student's own example: "The leaves danced in the wind."


Question: Conflicts in literature are struggles between opposing forces. They can be man vs. man, man vs. society, man vs. nature, or man vs. himself. What type of conflict is present in "Ali, Child of the Desert," and what specific conflict does Ali face?

Answer: The conflict in the story is man vs. nature. Ali faces the harsh conditions of the desert and a sandstorm.


**Question:** What qualities does Ali exhibit during the sandstorm? Provide an example from the text.

**Answer:** During the sandstorm, Ali exhibits calmness and the ability to follow instructions. For example, "He lay down against Jabad’s back and held on tightly. He squeezed his eyes shut and pulled the hood close around his face."


Question: Define the word "zigzagged" as used in "The Odyssey Begins."

Answer: Zigzagged means moved in a pattern like a line of Z's. In the context of the story, it describes how lightning moved above the foamy sea.


Question: Why is Odysseus stunned as he figures out Athena's actions?

Answer: Odysseus is stunned because he realizes that the Greeks had offended Athena by raiding her temple, which caused her anger and the storm.


Question: How does the theme of adventure manifest in "The Odyssey Begins"?

Answer: The theme of adventure is shown through the perilous journey of Odysseus and his men as they face storms and unknown dangers at sea.


Question: Explain the term "setting" as used in literature. Describe the setting in one sentence from the book and explain what it tells you about the environment.

Answer: Setting is the time and place of a story's action. Example from the book: "The sun was only two fists high in the sky, but already it was hot." This tells us that the setting is a hot desert environment.


Question: Figurative language creates vivid images by comparing two different things. One type of figurative language is personification, which gives human qualities to nonhuman things. Identify an instance of personification from the story.

Answer: An instance of personification in the story is "The wind came howling like a pack of wild dogs."


**Question:** How does Abdul mentor Ali, and what impact does this have on Ali's character development? Provide specific examples.

**Answer:** Abdul mentors Ali by teaching him survival skills, such as how to tend to the fire and use a musket. This mentorship helps Ali develop bravery and resilience. For example, Abdul says, "Fire the musket every time the sun moves a hand’s width across the sky."


Question: What does "frantically" mean, and how is it used to describe Odysseus’s actions during the storm?

Answer: Frantically means anxiously or in a hurried, disorganized manner. It describes how Odysseus fought the storm with great urgency and worry.


Question: Describe the situation when Odysseus and his men encounter the lotus-eaters.

Answer: Odysseus and his men are offered lotus flowers by the peaceful islanders, which make them forget their homes and desire to stay on the island.


Question: Discuss the theme of loyalty as demonstrated by Odysseus in the story.

Answer: The theme of loyalty is demonstrated by Odysseus’s determination to save his men from the lotus flowers and his unwavering desire to return home to Ithaca.


Question: What does it mean to "adapt"? Explain how desert animals adapt to their environment and give an example of how you might adapt to a new situation.

Answer: To adapt means to change something so that it is suitable for a new situation. Desert animals adapt by living in a hot, dry climate. Example: Moving to a new school and making new friends is an adaptation to a new situation.


Question: Setting is the time and place of a story's action. Describe the setting of "Ali, Child of the Desert" and explain how it influences the events in the story.

Answer: The setting is the Sahara Desert. The harsh desert environment influences the events by creating challenges for Ali, such as the intense heat and sandstorm.


**Question:** Describe the relationship between Ali and his father. How does this relationship influence Ali's actions and decisions?

**Answer:** The relationship between Ali and his father is one of respect and aspiration. Ali's desire to prove himself to his father influences his actions, such as bravely facing the journey and following his father’s advice. For example, Ali rides at the rear of the herd, watching and learning from his father at the head.


Question: Explain the meaning of "valiant" and give an example from the story.

Answer: Valiant means showing courage or determination. An example from the story is how the Greeks fought valiantly against the mighty wind and waves.


Question: How do Odysseus’s men react to the storm, and what do they believe is the cause?

Answer: The men believe that the gods are punishing them, and they are frightened and anxious during the storm.


Question: How does the story convey the message of the consequences of offending the gods?

Answer: The story conveys this message through the Greeks' disrespect towards Athena's temple, resulting in her wrath and the ensuing storm.


Question: Define the word "rely." Describe a situation from the book where a character has to rely on someone or something. Give an example from your own life.

Answer: To rely means to trust someone or something. Example from the book: "You should have a guide to rely on when you travel in the desert." Student's own example: "I rely on my family for support."


Question: Characters in a story must often adapt to new situations. Explain how Ali adapts to a challenging situation in the story. Provide details from the text.

Answer: Ali adapts to the challenging situation of the sandstorm by following his father’s advice to lie down against Jabad’s back for shelter, showing his ability to rely on guidance and stay calm in a crisis.


**Question:** How does Ali's experience in the desert shape his growth from a boy to a young man? Provide examples from the story.

**Answer:** Ali's experience in the desert, facing challenges like the sandstorm and learning from Abdul, shapes his growth by teaching him responsibility, bravery, and resilience. For example, Ali tends the fire throughout the night and shoots the musket as instructed, showing his transition into manhood.


Question: What does "famished" mean, and how does Odysseus use it in the story?

Answer: Famished means very hungry. Odysseus uses it to describe how he and his men felt after many days at sea without food.


Question: What actions does Odysseus take to save his men from the influence of the lotus flowers?

Answer: Odysseus forcibly drags his men back to the ships, commands them to make haste, and orders them to forget the lotus flowers and their effects.


Question: What lesson can be learned from Odysseus's encounter with the lotus-eaters?

Answer: The lesson is the danger of temptation and the importance of staying focused on one's goals, as the lotus flowers almost make Odysseus's men forget their mission.