This person was the first prime minister of canada, and started the creation of the Trans-continental railroad in 1871.
Who is John MacDonald
Canada is home originally home to this people....
Who are the Native Americans.
When Cook arrived to Australia, the land was seen as uninhabited aside from the from this community of people who hunted and gathered everything.
Who are the Aborigines?
What form of government did New Zealand as well as Australia desire?
What is Self-Government.
This person ordered that ireland be give to england
The pope
In 1770, this British sea captain landed in New Zealand, and claimed it for Britain
Who is James Cook
Canada had both French and English Religions, and in 1791, the British Parliament tried to resolve the issues by creating these two provinces....
What is Upper and Lower Canada (Ontario and Quebec).
As Britain colonized Australia, there was on overcrowding of English prisoners causing Australia to become a what?
What is a penal colony.
To encourage immigration, the government offered settlers what.
What is cheap land.
During the late 1840's a Famine hit Ireland, making people leave and over a million died during it, what was the main source of nutrition for the people?
What is the potato
These were the original people that inhabited New Zealand, The Colonizers that came tried to convert them to christianty, and in 1872 after disease and war, they were pushed back to a remote part of the country...
Who are the Maori
As a _______, Canada was self-governing in domestic affairs but remained part of the British Empire.
What is a dominion.
This is the first big item to be harvested by first settlers, later becoming the first big business to go throughout the land
What is wool.
In 1814, missionary groups began arriving from Australia attempting to do what?
What is converting the Maori to Christianity.
During the second half of the 1800's the people of Ireland wanted local rule over internal matters, called this, because they wanted to seperate from the British
What is the Home Rule
In 1829, This person was the Irish representitive for the british parliament, and helped persuade the british parliament to pass the Catholic Emancipation act
Who is Daniel O'Connell
Canada had both French and English Religions, and in 1791, the British Parliament tried to resolve the issues by creating these two provinces....
What is Upper (Now Ontario) and Lower Canada (Now Quebec).
Immigration was originally at a steady increasing rate due to cheap land being sold, then a sudden boom of population was caused because of…
What is the gold rush.
Which British Sea Captain claimed both parts of Australia and New Zealand as a whole?
Who is James Cook.
To protest delays of home rule, nationalists made an unofficial military force against Britain and their officials called what?
What is the Irish Republican Army?
After World War 1 this group of people banded together to create and underground army, to conduct a series of attacks on British Officials
Who are the Irish Republican Army
As rebellions broke out in both Upper and Lower Canada. The British Parliament sent a reform-minded statesman, ________ , to investigate.
Who is Lord Durham.
In the 1850s, Australia wanted to become a self governing country and rule their own governments causing them to create the…
What is the Commonwealth of Australia.
Between 1845 and 1872, the colonial government fought the Maori in a series of Wars due to tensions between settlers and the Maori.Why were the Maori eventually driven into a remote part of the country.
What is disease and being outgunned by British weapons.
This person passed the Catholic Emancipation act to restore rights to Catholics throughout Ireland.
Who is Daniel O’Connell