What are the four categories of values we have looked at
Terminal, instrumental, tangible, intangible
What is similar between customer needs analysis, preparing for a job interview, and a student needs analysis?
They are all a form of a gap analysis
What version of Bloom's Taxonomy are we using that is different, so that we can assess the level of the skill?
1-10 without the three domains
What is scaffolding?
breaking the career goal down into smaller subtasks
What is eat the frog?
doing the most difficult tasks first, so you will have time for the most important ones
SMART stands for
Specific, Measurable, Attainable (actionable), Relevant (realistic), Time bound
What are the four aspects of a Gap
Present state - what do you have
Future - difference you are trying to attain
Barriers - why have you not attained this yet
Bridge - how will you attain this
How do you find a transferable skill
hobbies, other jobs, volunteer work, college work
what are the differences between abilities, skills and traits
abilities are untrained things you can do
skills are learned
traits are physical and intrinsic that are and do not develop
The Eisenhower Square has two axes, what are they?
Importance and urgancy
Epistemic responsibility is
responsibility for what you think and talk about
What does the McKinsey 7S do?
it is a gap analysis of seven factors in a company that all begin with the letter s. Strategy, skills, staff, system, structure, style, and shared values
What is the difference between a soft and a hard skill?
Hard - formally learned, measurable,
soft - traits of how you work
what are marginal gains with respect to PDP?
small steps, when added together will show a large development
What is the Pareto Rule?
80% of work is done by 20% of people, so to be effective, find the 20% that will cause the 80% efficiency
In the Actionable section of the SMART we do this
Action plan, step by step
What is Bloom's Taxonomy
It measures the three domains (cognitive, psychomotor, affective) to classify different skills.
What is a skills matrix
a table that looks at the gap (future, present), barriers, bridge, levels, etc
Skills that are needed in your career will change, but what is the trend?
communicative, and soft skills
What is the humming technique for staying calm?
By stimulating the Vegas nerve you can regulate the internal organs that might show stress under pressure. This is done by humming.
What is the only exception in Epistemic responsibility to believe in think things without proof?
Live, forced and momentous
How many levels does the Kirkpatrick method have?
four (reaction, knowledge, application, impact), but a fifth was added in 1997 (ROI)
what needs to be done prior to a skills matrix, or audit
career goal
what is the hidden job market in Canada?
80% of al jobs are not available to internet users. You must network, know someone, or have and inside track
How is your PDP marked?
Knowledge - The student shows understanding in all areas asked in the instructions. The student is able to interpreted findings correctly. - 10 Marks
Research - All points are covered and he content is well developed - 10 Marks
Language - Grammar & Spelling is proficient - 10 Marks
Format - The plan follows the required format - 10 Marks
Overall Criteria - The project is considered to be informative, and of adequate level as to demonstrate the student has fully understood and is able to utilize the material in this course. - 10 Marks