the age of the protagonist when they came back to her birth place.
what is 17 years old?
The author of Solar Storm.
Who is Linda Hogan?
Who is Angela Wing and Tommy Grave?
A small rice-shape pasta with a springy, velvety texture
What is Orzo?
Who is Tommy Grave?
The author is a Professor Emerita in this University.
What is the University of Colorado?
The ancestral home of the main character.
what is Adam's Rib?
Most interesting member of Aca Dec.
Who is Dylan Mire?
The character said to be possessed by many spirits.
Who is Hannah Wing?
Ethnicity of the author.
bonus:tell the ethnicity of the parents.
Chickasaw and German
+ 100 Bonus: mom (german) and dad (Chickasaw)
The reason for Agnes killing the show bear.
What is to mercy kill?
The proper way to say my last name.
What is "last name"?
have to properly say the last name.
Descendant of the tribe that eat poisoned elk carcasses due to starvation.
Who is Loretta Wing?
Bonus: says the date, it was published.
What is Dwellings: A Spiritual History of the Living World (1995)
What is The Woman Who Watches Over the World: A Native Memoir (2001)
Who did Dora-Rouge make a deal with?
The water
A conversation starter.
"How is your day?" or "How was everyone's day been?"
The two tribes that Dora-Rouge was part of.
What is Cree and Ojibwa?
The award was won by Solar Storm.
what is the Colorado Book Award for Fiction.
How did Hannah die?
She was killed by a man because they thought she was possessed by an evil spirit.
A certain country with spies.
What is Bajookieland?