Section I Mock Question
Section I Mock Question
Section J Mock Question
Section J Mock Question
Mix I & J

The assessment in which one stimulus at a time is presented and the client’s response is recorded is known as: 

Multiple Stimulus Assessment

Free-Operant Observation

Paired Stimulus Assessment

Successive Choice Assessment

Successive Choice Assessment


Which of the following formulas is used to calculate conditional probability? 

Number of behaviors which follow a specific consequence event ÷ (divided by) the total number of behaviors

None of these

Number of scored intervals where the behavior occurred ÷ (divided by) the number of unscored intervals where the behavior did not occur

Number of behaviors which are preceded by a specific antecedent event ÷ (divided by) the total number of behaviors

Number of behaviors which follow a specific consequence event ÷ (divided by) the total number of behaviors


What is an example of social validity? 

Teaching kicking to communicate they need something.

Teaching a 5 year old how to read because she loves to look at books. 

Teaching a 5 years old how to fix a car because he loves cars

Teaching a non-verbal client how to say their name in 3 languages.

Teaching a 5 year old how to read because she loves to look at books.


I taught my client, Sarah, to say “Hi” whenever one of her friends approach and says “Hi” to her. One day, while on an outing, we saw one of Sarah’s friends. Her friend says “Hi” to Sarah and to my surprise, Sarah says “Hello! How are you?” Sarah’s behavior towards her friend is an example of?

Stimulus equivalence

Response discrimination 

Response generalization

Stimulus generalization

Response generalization


When I start my new client Sarah, I first meet with the parent of the client to gather some basic personal and behavioral information. The parents report Sarah behaviors at school are very disruptive to her peers and she often is sent to the office because of her behaviors. With the parent’s permission, I go into the school and ask the teacher about the behaviors she has directly observed. The teacher reports Sarah often engages in verbal refusal, yelling, kicking, and throwing school supplies about an hour before lunch time, every day. I record this information in my Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA). What method did I use to collect behavioral data for my Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA)? 







I am conducting a direct descriptive FBA where I check off, from a predetermined list, what I observe when the target behavior occurs. Which ABC recording method am I using? 

Sequence Analysis

Scatter plot





If I am manipulating antecedents and consequences while observing and recording the effect on the client’s behavior, I am conducting a _____. 

Reinforcer assessment

Functional analysis

Direct assessment

Indirect assessment

Functional analysis


I conduct a task analysis on answering the door when the doorbell rings. The steps of my task analysis are: walk to the door, open the door, and close the door after letting the person in. My client mastered “walk to the door” very quickly using a forward chaining procedure but seems to be having trouble with the next step, “open the door”. All of the following are possible solutions to help facilitate acquisition and mastery of the task except: 

Withholding reinforcement until the client completes the entire task independently

Add in an additional step between “walk to the door” and “open the door”

Provide least-to-most prompting for the “open the door” step 

Switch to another type of chaining procedure

Withholding reinforcement until the client completes the entire task independently


Learning to drive is an example of a?

Pivotal behavior

Multiple Exemplar Training

Behavior cusp

Respondent Behavior

Behavior cusp


I show my client two objects and have her choose which one she wants. Once she makes her choice, she receives that item. What stimulus preference assessment am I utilizing? 

Single Stimulus

Multiple Stimulus

Forced choice

Free operant

Forced choice


A Functional Analysis (FA) is?

Tests hypotheses regarding the effectiveness of a reinforcer

Tests hypotheses regarding the function of a client’s behavior

Tests hypotheses regarding the effectiveness of the behavior plan 

Tests hypotheses regarding the function of a stimulus

Tests hypotheses regarding the function of a client’s behavior


While conducting a Functional Analysis (FA), my client engages in the problem behavior. I say “No! Don’t do that!” and then immediately turn away from the client. While turned away, my client again engages in same the problem behavior. I once again ay “No! Don’t do that!” and then immediately turn away once again. Which condition of the Functional Analysis am I testing? 

Free play

Contingent Attention

Contingent Escape


Contingent Attention


When selecting a target behavior to decrease, the alternative behavior to be taught must?

Match the topography of the target behavior

Match the frequency of the target behavior

Match the function of the target behavior 

Not match the function of the target behavior

Match the function of the target behavior



Which of the following is the most supportive environment? 

Teaching a client to eat with a fork with pretend food, when he is hungry 

Teaching a client to ride a bike; something his father supports but his mother does not

Teaching a client play skills during a play date with his school friends

Teaching a client to swim on dry land

Teaching a client play skills during a play date with his school friends


Rating scales, checklists, and structured interviews are included in which method of conducting a FBA? 







A pattern analysis is great for?

Isolating specific antecedents which preceded the problem behavior

Isolating specific stimuli which can be used to reinforce the problem behavior

Isolating specific time periods when the problem behavior occurs

Isolating specific consequence which follow the problem behavior

Isolating specific time periods when the problem behavior occurs


Which of the following statements best describes the topography of a “tantrum” behavior? 

The client engages in a hitting, kicking, yelling, verbally and physically refusing in order to escape doing his homework.

The client engages in hitting, kicking, yelling, verbally and physically refusing.

The client engages in a tantrum behavior, which includes but isn’t limited to verbally and physically refusal, when he gets home from school.

The client engages in hitting and kicking adults, yelling at adults, and saying “No!” when told to complete a task.

The client engages in hitting and kicking adults, yelling at adults, and saying “No!” when told to complete a task.



I present my client with a picture of a red apple. The client says “apple”. I then present my client with an actual apple. The client again says “apple”. This demonstrates the client’s ability to?

Discriminate between responses

Discriminate between stimuli

Generalize between responses 

Generalize between stimuli

Generalize between stimuli



Learning how to use a microwave is an example of?

Respondent Behavior

Pivotal behavior

Behavior cusp 

Multiple Exemplar Training

Pivotal behavior


My client has mastered the skill of responding appropriately when someone says “Hi”. Now I want to teach her to respond to various forms of greetings. I say “Hello!”, “Howdy!”, and “Nice to see you!”. I am using which strategy to promote generalization? 

Multiple exemplars training

General case analysis 

Programming Common stimuli

Loosely training

Multiple exemplars training


While conducting a Functional Analysis (FA), I observe and record my client’s behaviors while she is alone, without access to toys. What am I testing for? 

If positive reinforcement is maintaining the behavior

If access to a reinforcing item is maintaining the behavior

If negative reinforcement is maintaining the behavior

If automatic reinforcement is maintaining the behavior

If automatic reinforcement is maintaining the behavior


Which method of a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) yields the least precise information regarding the function of a client’s behavior? 

Indirect Assessment

Direct Assessment

Reinforcer Assessment

Functional Analysis

Indirect Assessment



If an intervention is said to have social validity that means the intervention?

Teaches socially significant behaviors

Is considered to be socially appropriate by those in the client’s environment (therapist, parents, teachers…)

Makes socially significant improvements to the client’s life 

All of these

All of these


Jim, a BCBA, started with a new client. During the intake, the client’s parents spoke very highly about their child’s intelligence and ability to learn new skills quickly. One limitation the parents spoke of is his lack of vocal communication. Jim knew the new client was “capable” of learning to talk so he started requiring the client to uses phrases with 5 or more words in order to earn a reinforcer. After several sessions of being unable to receive reinforcement, the client became frustrated and engaged in very long durations of crying. At this point, Jim determined he had become an aversive stimulus. What did Jim fail to realize? 

He didn’t do anything wrong because the parents spoke highly about their child’s intelligence and ability to learn new skills quickly. 

He does not have the authority to make changes to the program, only the director can.

He set the requirement to earn reinforcement to low.

It is unclear if the skill is in the client repertoire and may need to be taught how to say words first.

It is unclear if the skill is in the client repertoire and may need to be taught how to say words first.


When selecting a behavior to teach, which of the following abides by the Relevance of Behavior Rule? 

Teaching a 3 year-old how to request for her favorite food during snack time

Teaching a 2 year-old how to wash the dishes by hand

Teaching a 19 year-old how to speak Spanish ten months before his week-long trip to France

Teaching a 7 year-old how to balance a check book.

Teaching a 3 year-old how to request for her favorite food during snack time