Before updating the address on an account, we want to make sure we let the caller know that.
What is the account will go on a 15 day hold for redemption sent by check to the address of record.
Offering online portal is the ________ way to retrieve or review statements and tax forms.
What is fastest.
It is very important to have _________ and __________ information on all accounts.
What is current and up to date.
The account owner has given permission to speak and act on the account with the 3rd party, this must also be obtained.
What is the 3rd party full name.
This must be done at least once during the conversation.
What is use the caller's name.
Newly added banks Via Plaid have a _______ hold and manually added banks have _______ hold.
What is 5 days hold and 10-day hold.
All fund companies have hours of operation, certain times we can call in and receive assistance, but online portal is available to the account owner _________ or _______ days out of the year.
What is 24/7 or 365.
When will we send financials by email, including tax forms and statements?
What is never.
This would be the first line of defense in safeguarding the accounts from suspected fraudsters.
What is You.
This must be done at first opportunity. Can be focused on either the issue or on the individual.
What is positive acknowledgement.
Offer a __________ for the form request if you are sending the form to the caller.
What is confirmation number.
Can third party access online accounts?
What is No. They would need the s/h on the line, take them through full security check, get the third-party full name and request permission to speak and act on the account, for the third party to speak and act on the account.
One of the most important reasons to have cell phone and email on file is for ___________.
What is contact.
If the initial access to the shareholders account was with the account number, then these 2 security pieces would be required to attempt.
What is full address and last 4 digits of the SSN number.
Phrases that indicate lack of confidence: I think… I believe… I don’t know… I’m not sure… It looks like… Why would this be marked off?
What is tentative phrasing.
Once a financial form is received in good order by 4pm eastern standard time they will receive a confirmation letter by mail within ________ or if the s/h receives information by email they will receive the confirmation letter within ________.
What is 7-10 business days or 2-7 business days.
If the shareholder has a landline, would they be able to use the 2-part authentication process? What would be needed?
What is No. Landline number would need to be deleted and cell phone number would need to be added.
An account is billed each quarter to offset the annual fee for paper statements by U.S. mail, instead of receiving them electronically by email. Receiving paper statements by mail incurs a fee of _______ per account. This fee is billed as ______ quarterly charge.
What is 10 yearly/annually and billed as 2.50 quarterly charge.
We are _________ to provide the caller with their full social security number.
What is Not Allowed.
Before providing how to instructions, online or for an account, we must first do this.
What is attempt to pull up an account.
There are _____ components to setting up dead air/holds and the components are?
What is 4, Request Permission - Timeframe - Reason - Thanking for the imposition.
Did you know that ____ percent of callers prefer self-service option rather than talking to a customer service representative per consumer reports.
What is 67 percent.
Cell phone statistics for 2024 state that ____ percent of Americans have a cell phone per consumer affairs.
What is 97 percent.
When an account owner calls in for a request, we must obtain ____ security pieces with two of them being required. The two required would be.
What is 5, Full Name and Account Number/Full SSN
Information must be correct, or it is considered _________.
What is worthless.