Caller Authentication
Security Codes
Security Questions
Third Party

Why do we have to pass clients through security?

To make sure that we are talking to the correct person and ensuring the security of their account


How many web questions have to be asked and how many ASQs have to be asked to disable the security codes?

2 of each


What does ASQ stand for?

Account Security Questions?


True or False: A husband and wife can share web credentials

False, every client should have their own web credentials


True or False: We can acknowledge that there is an account at Vanguard before passing the client through security

False, before the client passes through security we cannot give away any account specific information.  We cannot even acknowledge that there is an account at Vanguard.


In what order should ASQs be asked?

Date of Birth


Account Number



Who can disable the security codes?

An associate after they have posted the request in the chat?


How many security questions are you allowed to ask in the beginning of the call?



Can a client receive coaching from a third party to answer their security questions?



Is security needed when doing an outcall on a client who just dropped the call?

Yes, it is a new call and we should be passing the client through security like it is a new call


Clients that are NOT web registered have an option to establish one “Phone Security Question”. How many chances do they have to answer incorrectly before moving on to ASQ’s?

Clients get three chances to answer this one phone security question correctly before moving onto the ASQs.


Name three red flags we look for before disabling the security codes?

Denial within the past 6 months

Authentication failure within the past 7 days

Locked security questions

3 or more calls within the past 2 business days

Web Access Change Hold

Signs of Cognitive decline


How many ASQs are you allowed to ask?

A maximum of 3 ASQ’s are allowed. Resource: InfoWave > Caller Authentication > Process


What permissions do we have to get when a third party joins the call?

Permission to speak and transact as well as ask their security questions in front of a third party


True or False: Account specific information can be left on the clients voicemail without prior consent

False, we need to gain voicemail consent before leaving any account specific information


True or False ? A client can only attempt Voice Verification 2 times at the beginning of the call?

False. (Client can attempt Voice Verification multiple times. It will be documented in Crave & it is investigated if there are multiple failures)


What approval do we need to disable Security Codes if a client is Voice Verified?

None, associates can disable the codes on their own if the client is Voice Verified

How many security questions need to be passed before generating a temporary password or unlocking security?



What indicates that a third party has joined the call?

Any time there is someone else that you can discern actively participating on the call


True or False: Clients do not need to go through security when the Voice Verification notification pops up on an outcall

False, they have not had the opportunity to go through Voice Verification so we would need to pass them through security like normal


How do you authenticate on an Organizational Call?

If the caller is on the Org. Res, you can authenticate through their name, organization name, EIN or TIN, full AOR and the Account # OR their personal profile Security


Name all the steps needed for a security code exemption?

Clients meet one of the needed criteria for exemption

Clients need to meet all criteria to disable Security Codes

Clients need to be ok with the two restrictions

TL approval is needed


If the client does not know their security questions what are the next steps?

The client would either have to call back in or do the restore account access form?


What do we have to do when a third party joins the call?

Gain appropriate permissions from the client and give full name, give Vanguard affiliation, and let the third party know that they are on a recorded line


What information do we need to give the client before passing them through security on an outcall

Representatives full name, Vanguard affiliation, knowledge that they are speaking on a recorded line