Open/Close Procedures
Robbery Procedures
Crimes Against The Bank
Physical Bank Security

Define dual control.

Verification under the authority of 2 individuals monitoring, witnessing, and processing tasks together at all times.


Where is your RED folder located?

Teller or office drawer.


List 2 things you should do if you received a telephone threat of kidnapping, extortion, or hostage situation.

See page 73


Our goal with respect to bank robberies, burglaries, fraud, and larcenies is to discourage crimes against the bank and in those cases in which the bank is victimized to:

a. Act in a manner that ______________.

b. Keep losses at a minimum.

c. Provide law enforcement with clear descriptions of criminals, their actions, appropriate photographs and all evidence.

(ex. Opposite of Lisa's reaction to guy with her wallet)

Avoids personal injury.


Our contact for forwarding requests for statements to media.

Marketing Department (Ashley Henderson and Susan Blair)


List activity and responsibilities of the lookout during opening procedures.

1. Remain in your locked vehicle, parked at or near the parking lot entrance or on the street with a clear view of the bank. It is very important that the lookout be parked with the engine running some distance from the other employee and entry door.

 2. Be prepared to leave and contact law enforcement, the security coordinator and Corporate Security if anything unusual occurs (See “Notifying Law Enforcement”) by having cell phone handy or access to a pay phone and correct change. 

3. Be alert and observe all activities in the immediate area to include employee entering banking office and point of entry. 

4. If approached by stranger(s), leave the area and contact law enforcement. 

5. If the appropriate all-clear signal is given, park vehicle as close to the entry door as possible but at least two parking spaces away from the first employee’s vehicle.  Be prepared to enter the building by having keys in hand, ready for use.  Lock the door immediately upon entering.


These are two activities we can do to deter robbery and/or theft.

1.) Welcome all guests that come into the lobby or arrive in the drive through.

2.) Maintain proper specified cash limits in locked drawers.


The two types of burglaries.

1. Theft of bank or personal equipment/property.

2. Burglarization of the bank’s vault (safe deposit boxes, cash vault/safe), safe, ATM, night depository, etc.


When opener #2 is parking after signal is given, they must park ____ ____ away.

Two spaces


Information we do not release to the media.(At least one example)

1 Names and addresses of victims, witnesses, or other people present during the robbery.

2 Amount of loss.

3 Information regarding security devices, procedures, etc..


Common methods used by closing-hour robbers.

1. Hiding on the premises until customers have left.

2. Attempting to be the last customer served.

3. Posing as a customer, stalling until all but one or two employees have left.


Name at least two actions you should take during a holdup (think safety first).

1. Obey the robber’s instructions. 

2. Avoid any action(s) that might endanger yourself or others. 

3. Activate the holdup alarm as soon as you feel safe to do so. 

4. Make mental note of the robber’s description

5. Give the robber(s) no more money than is demanded – include bait money if safe to do so

6. Do not answer any telephone unless specifically instructed to do so by the robber(s)

7. If a holdup note is presented, remove it from the robber’s site. Try to keep it, if this can be done safely. a. Attempt sliding the note to the edge of the counter and letting it fall to the floor. b. Do not handle it unnecessarily. c. It may contain valuable evidence (fingerprints, handwriting, wording, the paper itself, etc.).

8. Observe the robber’s direction and method of escape. DO NOT EXIT THE BANK


If an explosive device threat is received at the pneumatic tube, __________. If it is at the drive up drawer, __________. 

Following this:

b. Leave the station. 

c. Activate holdup alarm, and/or telephone police.

 d. Immediately lock the banking office door(s).

 e. Notify supervisor and/or security coordinator.

Turn the system off, Leave drawer extended.


Each retail banking office shall be equipped, at a minimum, with means of protecting cash or other liquid assets, such as the vault, safes, and _______.

Night depository.


Person #2 should be stationed here when Person #1 is doing nightly checks around building.

At an alarm device or telephone to alert law enforcement in the event of a problem or if an intruder is suspected or discovered.


These are the four types of robberies.

Lone Bandit, Branch Take-over/Take-Down, Morning Glory, Closing-Hour


The act of taking and carrying away, with intent to steal or purloin, any property or money or any other thing of value . . . belonging to, or in the care, custody, control, management, or possession of the bank.

What is a larceny?


Amount of transit cash at which a police escort is required.



When initialing a space on the Daily Security checklist, who becomes responsible if that task is not truly completed?

All parties opening or closing.


This is the number for the Rogers non-emergency line. 



List 2 things not to do after a robbery.

a. Lock cash drawers and await instructions.

b. DO NOT handle any equipment or have contact with any area touched or used by the robber(s) – advise others to stay away from these areas.

c. DO NOT discuss the holdup until you have recorded your recollection of the events and the description(s) of the robber(s).

d. DO NOT talk to reporters or permit yourself to be photographed.

e. DO NOT service customers in the bank until advised to do so by the security coordinator or senior-most bank officer on-site.


Name three signs to look for as red flags for violence.

1 Increasing aggressive behavior

2 Expressed hostility 

3 Drug and alcohol abuse 

4 Deteriorating work performance

5 Deteriorating home life 

6 Financial difficulties 

7 Looming civil litigation or criminal charges

8 Threats

9 Emotional distress


DVRs should be checked daily for _______ on the monitor to ensure the integrity of the digital video recording system.

Error Messages


Who to contact after a robbery.

Leslie Hayes- Director of Fraud Risk Management

Mike Reyes- Regional Fraud Investigator

Terri McKinney- Regional Manager

Immediate supervisors