Metamorphic rock types
Sedimentary rock types
Bonus Questions

This type of metamorphic rock forms when limestone is subjected to heat and/or pressure.

What is marble?

What are the small pieces of minerals and rock that are formed from weathering?
What is sediment?
This is what it takes for a rock to undergo metamorphism?
What is if the temperature and pressure of a rock is different than the environment in which the rock formed, then it will undergo metamorphism?

This is a rock formed from non-sorted sediment containing large rounded pebbles, sand and silt, cemented together

What is conglomerate?


Which type of sedimentary rock is formed from the remains of plants or animals?

What is biological sedimentary rock


This type of rock is metamorphosed sandstone

What is quartzite

Dissolved minerals seperate from water that passes through sediment and do what?
What is bind rock and mineral fragments together into sedimentary rock.
These are the two ways in which metamorphism can occur.
What are contact and regional metamorphism?

This is the type of sedimentary rock that usually forms on an ancient beach, dunes, or desert. It is well sorted consisting of mainly sand. 

What is sandstone


Is marble foliated or non-foliated?

what is non-foliated


This type of metamorphic rock forms from low grade metamorphism of shale

What is slate

This is where sedimentary rocks form.
What is at or near Earth's surface?
These are the two textures of metamorphic rock.
What is foliated and nonfoliated metamorphic rock?
This type of sedimentary rock often forms in shallow seas and can be both biological remains clastically cemented together, OR chemical sed. rock from seawater precipitation.

What is limestone?

This is another type of organic sedimentary rock that forms underground when partially decomposed plant material is buried beneath sediment and is changed due to heat and pressure over millions of years.
What is coal?

This type of metamorphic rock forms from mid-grade metamorphism and contains minerals such as shiny muscovite mica and garnets in a foliated texture.

What is schist

This is the most noticeable feature of sedimentary rock.
What is that the sedimentary rocks are in layers or strata (single horizontal layer of rock)
This is texture of metamorphic rock in which the mineral grains are arranged in planes or bands.
What is foliated?

This type of sedimentary rock often forms at the bottom of lakes, clastic in nature, and easily broken into thin brittle layers of very fine grained sediment.

What is shale


What typically causes contact metamorphism?

What is magma intrusion?


This type of metamorphic rock is highly foliated with bands of light and dark minerals and forms from the highest grade of metamorphism.

What is gneiss

These are the three main types of sedimentary rock.
What are clastic, chemcial, and organic?

This type of metamorphism forms from contact with hot, iron rich water.

What is hydrothermal metamorphism?


This type of sedimentary rock is chemical and is formed from the precipitation of seawater. The easiest but not always safest way to identify this rock is to lick it.

What is halite (rock salt)


What Earth process is usually the culprit behind regional metamorphism?

What is plate tectonics ( convergence)