Permanent Settlements
Tools and activities

The Palaeolithic Era took place during which age?

The Old Stone Age


The Neolithic Era took place during which age?

The New Stone Age


List two characteristics of agriculture in sedentary societies

1. The domestication and breeding of animals 

2. Planting and harvesting of plants / crops


How did people in sedentary societies choose the location of their villages? (name two factors)

1. Rivers (built settlement near rivers)
2. Fertile land (soil good for growing crops)


Explain the importance of fire for the first humans 

1. Provided warmth

2. Provided light 

3. Kept wild animals away at night

4. Useful in hunting

5. Could cook food


How did Palaeolithic people source/obtain their food?

Who did what(men and women)?

They hunted and gathered (men hunted and women + children gathered)


How did Neolithic people source (obtain) their food?

They hunted, gathered and farmed (grew crops and domesticated animals)


Explain the impact agriculture had on Neolithic societies

1- Food security (produced their own food / constant food supply- allowing more mouths to be fed)

2-Population increase  

3-Trade (surplus - producing more than they need, so they can barter)

4- Lifestyle (sedentary - need to stay in one place to farm)

5- New jobs (agriculture led to population increase, bartering (trade), and the creation of new specialized jobs) 


Who was in charge of domesticating animals? Why?

Domestication of animals started with hunters. They had expert knowledge of wild animals

Which materials were used to make axes and adzes?

What were axes used for?

Metal and wood

To remove trees / clear land 


Why did Palaeolithic people travel from place to place? 

They travelled according to their needs:

-no consistent sources of food (too cold to grow crops) 

-had to follow their food in order to survive


Why were the Neolithic people able to settle in an area permanently? 

they were able to provide themselves with a constant supply of food (planting and harvesting seeds/crops)


Explain what the "agricultural revolution" was 

This transition from nomadic life to settled farming

(nomadic groups to settled villages)


Why were Neolithic villages usually built near rivers? 

Because water was needed for fields (crops), for animals (livestock), and for human consumption (drinking)


What does agriculture entail?

What tools were used in agriculture?

preparing land, planting seeds, watering crops, harvesting crops

hoe (dig prepare soil), sickle (gather grains), grinder and rubbing stone (crush the grain to make flour) 


Why could Palaeolithic people not always hunt and gather in the same places?

They would run out of food (reduce or use up all  food resources available in that area)


What four major activities characterize the Neolithic Era?

1. Agriculture (farming)                                           2. Building the first permanent settlements
3. The domestication of animals
4. The emergence of trades (new jobs)


Who probably invented agriculture: men or women? why?

Women, because they were in charge of gathering activities


Why were there no streets, doors and windows in Neolithic villages?

To protect the people from intruders. Prevent intruders from entering and attacking villagers.


What did farm animals (livestock) provide for Neolithic villagers?

1. Meat 

2. Skin (clothing)

3. Wool (clothing)

4. milk

5. labour (power)

6. manure (helps make soil fertile)


Why did Palaeolithic people live in small groups? 

because it offered a better chance for survival. Small groups offered: 1-Protection and safety (while hunting, fighting off other predators); Teamwork/support (helping each other out and sharing food, tools and shelters -cooperation).


What natural factors that promoted sedentarization?

1. Warmer climate (warmer weather)
2. Multiplication of plants species (more plants and plant species started growing)


How do you think Neolithic people selected their animals?

They probably selected animals that were more docile (easier to manage / control) and that produced the most meat, milk, etc.


Why do you think smaller livestock (farm animals) were kept in inner courtyards?

To protect them from thieves and predators 


What is metallurgy?

the process of melting metal and pouring it into moulds to create specific shapes (ex: axe heads)