Patterns and Sequences
Math Trivia
Famous Mathematicians
Math Jobs
Math Puzzles
Name the next number in the sequence.

0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15,...

What is 21?



This is the only number that has the same number of letters as its meaning.

What is 4?


This Greek philosopher lived around 500 BC and may be best remembered by relating the lengths of three sides of a right triangle. More specifically, the sum of the squares of the legs of a right triangle equals the square of the hypotenuse.

Who is Pythagoras?


According to, the percent of all workers using basic math in their jobs is either 57% or 94%.

What is 94%?


This number should replace the question mark.

What is 9?

Courtesy of Reader's Digest 33 Math Puzzles (with Answers) to Test Your Smarts.


Name the next number in the sequence.

1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, ...

What is 49?

(sequence of perfect squares)

When written as a word or words, what is the smallest positive number containing the letter "a"?

What is 1,000?


This man from Syracuse, Sicily is regarded as the greatest mathematician of ancient history.  He is also credited with some important inventions still in use today, with applications including a rotary-screw air compressor, combine harvester, and many more.

Who is Archimedes?


If this is your job title, you are likely fluent in C++ or Java.

What is a computer programmer?


These numbers should replace the questions marks.

What are 1 and 4?

Courtesy of Reader's Digest 33 Math Puzzles (with Answers) to Test Your Smarts.


The sequence 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34... is named after this Italian mathematician.

Who is Fibonacci?

This is the result of adding the first 10 whole numbers together.

What is 55?


This British mathematician and computer scientist cracked German codes in WWII, helping to enable the Allies to defeat the Axis powers in many crucial engagements, including the Battle of Atlantic.

Who is Alan Turing?


Of the Navy, Army, and Air Force, this agency has the highest number of current employees in mathematics (5154), according to

What is the Navy?


These number should replace the question marks.

What is 1 and 2 (three less than the numbers above)?

Courtesy of Reader's Digest 33 Math Puzzles (with Answers) to Test Your Smarts.


Name the next number in the sequence.

2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, ...

What is 29?

(sequence of prime numbers)

"How I wish I could calculate pi" provides a method of remembering this, the first seven digits of pi.  

What is 3.141592?


This Greek mathematician is referred to as the "Father of Geometry," due to the highly influential 300 BC textbook called "Elements."

Who is Euclid?


According to U.S. News 100 Best Jobs of 2024, those with this job title "glean insights from large amounts of data they collect."  Those in the field typically have a bachelor's degree and have a median income of $103,500.

What is a data scientist?


What number should replace the question mark?

What is 4 (color combinations add to 10)?

Courtesy of Reader's Digest 33 Math Puzzles (with Answers) to Test Your Smarts.


Name the next number in the sequence.

1, 3, 7, 15, 31, ...

What is 63?


This is the name of a polygon with one million sides.

What is a megagon?


The mechanical calculator was invented in 1642 by this French mathematician.

Who is Blaise Pascal?


Those with this job title are experts in mitigating risks, using mathematics, statistics, and financial theory.  Ranking #9 on the U.S. News 100 Best Jobs of 2024, the median salary is $113,990 and only requires a Bachelor's degree.

What is an actuary?


This figure (1-6) is not colored correctly.

What is figure 6 (circle should be yellow)?

Courtesy of Reader's Digest 33 Math Puzzles (with Answers) to Test Your Smarts.