What is one nick name for the other player you are playing with today?
While seed digging your stinky thoughts out of the your heart garden, what does your counselor or the wise oak tree in the reading book say to do or not to do?
The wise oak tree says "don't believe the lies and believe the truth."
How many stomachs does a cow have?
For Counselor
Name the other player's pet?
One good idea is to imagine THIS shape. It is longer on two sides than the other two sides. What you do is you remind yourself to take shorter breathes in and longer slower breathes out while "going around this in your imagination following the shape with a red ball" as you breath in and exhale out.
For Counselor
Name one coping skill your client uses to calm down?
Finish the Title of "Charlie and the Yucky Stinky No-Good _____ ."
or Counselor
Name a book that your client's teacher has read to them in class?
How many Children does your counselor have?
How many brothers and sisters does the other player have?
Brandon has 3
Your counselor has _______ children
___ brothers and _____sisters?
What is one behavior the other player shows when they feel scared or upset?
A. Fight (look mad)
B. Flight (avoid and run)
C. Freeze up (get real quiet, be by themselves, act slow to make any decisions for themselves )
D. Fidget (Move around a lot, get busier and busier)
E. Faint (really pass out or just Fall Asleep)
Every one is different. But most generally they will always do one of these five things?
The most rare color for the M and M found in a pack of M&M's?
For Counselor Question:
What letter or number grade is the other player in currently in right now? Adults, what is the most recent level completed?
"It is easier to ________ a habit than to Stop a Habit"
or Counselor
What is one thing your client says that makes them feel Loved?
In the book about Charlie, the first gardenia who was so sad that he wanted other's to be sad also and yelled and kicked and said mean words.
or Counselor
Name something about your student's favorite vacation?
Give an example of one thing or one story the other player has told you that causes a "Proud" feeling?
BONUS 300 What is one memory or thought that you have had in which resulted in a stinky behavior or mean words.
Bonus (add 100) more if the player says this.
Do you remember what you were believing about yourself in that memory
Bonus 100
Happy thoughts make happy seeds get planted
Sad thoughts make _____ seeds get planted.
For Counselor
What is one seed your client has told you that have had to pluck up from their heart garden?
Coping skills are things that:
A. Help us hurt others
B. Things cops use
C. Self Help Tools you can use to relax and feel safe
D. Things you find in a tool box
or Counselor
What is one thing your client has been told by parents-grandparents-uncles-counselors-aunts-cousins-siblings that makes them feel safe?
C. Self Help Tool that you can use at anytime anywhere to feel safe and relax
Happy seeds are to Happy Feeling that turn into happy words and happy actions, as _____ seeds turn into sad words and actions that hurt others or yourself.
or Counselor
Please name one stinky behavior your client wants to change when they are upset or sad or mad or scared?
What is the other persons favorite ice cream?
The reading story talks about seeds, gardens, rotten and healthy fruits. What is an actual seed that grows inside of our hearts or minds?
Counselor Question
What is a stinky thought your other player has dealt with or are dealing with?
A thought that is Truthful, or a thought that is False
Female or girl fish, Female or girl birds have more elaborate colors marking their skin than Male or boy fish or bird.
For Counselor
What is the name of your clients Parent/Parents?
False, Males or boys fish and birds most usually have more elaborate colors.
______ and ______
What is something a person can say inside of their head to make a stinky thought go away ?
Say that is a lie. Then say a truth !
Name the author of your favorite book or '
Name the other person's author to their favorite book?
Shawna Burns
What is one brave thing the other person has told you about themselves or their family ?
When thinking about our heart garden , Not all seeds(thoughts) that are planted in our hearts are bad or sad and grow up to be stinky or rotten fruit and words and actions, some are good and happy. These lead to what kind of behaviors or actions and words.
For Counselor
Name the other person's favorite sport to play?
kind words and actions
healthy boundaries
The only fruit that has the seeds growing on the outside instead of the inside?
A. Orange
B. Grapes
C. Strawberries
D. Blackberries
For Counselor
What is one name of a special friend to your client?
A. Strawberry
Taking a time out .
Counting back from 10 while taking deep breathes
Telling yourself "i am breathing I am okay"
Praying out loud to yourself
Are all examples of C_____ing Skills!
or Counselor
What is one high or your client's week that they may have said when meeting you today!
Name two characters in the Book "Charlie and the Yucky Stinky Fruit" or name one Book that is the other person's favorite book.