What is the seed coat?
Wind, water, animals, humans, exploding
What are ways that seeds disperse?
Corn and rice
What are seeds of grasses?
What is it called when a seed starts growing?
New plants
What do seeds grow into?
The baby plant inside the seed
What is the embryo?
By planting them
The radicle
What is the first root?
The fruit
What part of the plant comes after the flower?
Size, shape, texture, color
What are properties of seeds?
The radical and the plumule
What are the two parts of the embryo?
An autorotator
What is a seed that can fly?
The seed coat, the embryo, the cotyledon
What are the parts of a seed?
A mast year
What is it called when oak trees produce more acorns than usual?
What is the most important seed in the world?
Food for the embryo
What is the cotyledon?
Getting stuck in fur, being pooped out, being spat out
What are ways animals help seeds disperse?
Water, warmth, and space
What do most seeds need to germinate?
When it grows leaves
When does a plant no longer need the cotyledon?
Beans and peas
What are legumes?
What is dormant?
So young plants have space to grow
Why is seed dispersal important?
To make the seed coat open up
Why does a seed need water to germinate?
A monocot
What is a seed with one cotyledon called?
When it grows leaves
When does a plant no longer need the cotyledon?