These are the three parts that make up a seed.
What are the seed coat, embryo, and endosperm?
These are the three things that a plant needs to start growing.
What is water, the right temperature, and sunlight?
This is the object at the center of the solar system.
What is the Sun?
This season has the longest days and hotter temperatures.
What is summer?
This seasons has the shortest days and colder temperatures.
What is winter?
This is the outer shell of the seed, which protects the plant side the seed and keeps it from drying out.
What is the seed coat?
True or False: Roots always grow upward.
False. They also grow downward.
Earth takes ____ amount of days to complete one full orbit around the sun.
What is 365 days?
This is the invisible line that the Earth orbits around.
What is the axis?
This is another way of saying "half of the Earth."
What is a hemisphere?
This is the baby plant that is found on the inside of a seed, which will grow into an adult plant when the seed starts to grow.
What is the plant embryo?
This is the new name that a seed gets after it sprouts and the plant begins to grow.
What is the shoot?
True or False: The Earth is tilted on its axis.
True or False: Earth’s tilt on its axis + the orbit it makes around the sun are the two things that create the seasons.
This is the name for a seed that is alive but inactive (which means that it’s not currently growing).
What is dormant?
This part of the plant looks for water and minerals to feed the plant, and helps keep the plant from falling over or blowing away.
What are the roots?
Put these parts of the growing process for plants in order:
a) the seed coat cracks and roots begin to grow
b) the seed coat lets water into the plant embryo, and the endosperm gives the plant embryo food
c) the plant is able to start making its own food from the sun
d) the plant shoot bursts out of the seed coat and starts to grow
B, A, D, C.
Earth’s tilt causes one ___ of the planet to lean towards the Sun and the other to lean away from it.
What is hemisphere?
In June, the northern hemisphere is tilting [towards/away from] the sun, causing summer in the norther hemisphere.
When a hemisphere of the Earth is tilted away from the Sun, it gets more of this type of sunlight.
What is indirect sunlight?
This is the part of the seed that provides food for the plant embryo on the inside of the seed.
What is the endosperm?
This is the name for the growing process of plants, when the plant embryo begins to grow and develop.
What is germination?
When a hemisphere of the Earth is tilted towards the Sun, it gets more of this type of sunlight.
What is direct sunlight?
During these seasons, the northern hemisphere is tilting neither away from nor towards the Sun.
What are spring and autumn?
This part of the seed has chemicals inside it that tell the seed whether or not it’s in a good environment to grow.
What is the seed coat?