When in Qiyam what is recited ? Name atleast 3
Thana, Tawwuz, Tasmiyah, Surah Fatihah and a Surah from Quran
Where did Rasulullah SAW give his Khutbah tul Widah?
On the Hill called Jabal Ar Rahmah
What does Al Ghani mean?
The Rich/Free of Need
What is the literal meaning of Sahabi? What is the plural of Sahabi?
Literal meaning is "A companion"
The plural of Sahabi is Sahabah "More than one companion"
What does Al Ghashiyah mean and what is the Surah number in the Quran?
The Overwhelming
Surah number 88
what dua is recited when you bend down for Ruku?
ُGlory be to My Lord the Greatest
بْحَانَ رَبِّيَ الْعَظِي
What does Jabal Ar Rahmah mean?
Mount of Mercy
What does Al Mughni mean?
The One Who makes Rich
In Islam who do we call Sahabi?
Those who saw Rasulullah SAW with their own eyes, believed in him and died as Muslims
What is the name of the plant that will be given to the people of Jahannam?
People will have a fruit called ‘Dharee’. It is a dried fruit that has thorns, tastes bad, and is poisonous
What dua is recited when in Sujood?
ُGlory be to My Lord the Most High
بْحَانَ رَبِّيَ الأَعْلَى
Who did Rasulullah SAW ask to lead the prayers in his place?
His dear friend Abu Bakr RA
How can we show appreciation to Allah SWT? Name at least 2 ways
By Praising Him: Alhumdulillah
By Carrying out Allah's SWT commands
By following Sunnah of Rasulullah SAW
Talha Ibn e Ubaidullah fought all battles except for one. Which battle did he not fight?
Battle of Badr
Allah SWT mentions 6 wonderful things in Jannah. Name atleast 4
1.You will never hear anything unpleasant
2. Flowing spring to drink from
3.High Couches
4. Cups to drink from that never get empty, and are always nearby
5. Soft pillows lined up in neat rows to lie against
6. Plush Carpets
What is the name of Position of Salah between 1st Sujood and 2nd Sujood?
What are the 2 things Rasulullah SAW left for his Ummah before passing away?
The Quran and his Sunnah
"If you follow them you will never go astray" (Al-Bukhari)
What are ways human beings are dependent on Allah SWT? Name at least 5
Food, Money, Water, Air, Shelter, Job, Family, Health, Knowledge
What was Zubair Ibn Al Awwam's Relationship with Rasulullah SAW and Khadija RA?
He was Khadija's nephew (His father was the brother of Khadija)
Rasulullah's SAW cousin (His mother was the daughter of Abdul Muttalib
What is special about Suratul Ghasiyaah?
Rasulullah SAW liked to recite it in Sallatul-Jumu’ah( Friday Prayers) and on the Eaidain (Eid Ul-Fitr & Eid Ul Adha)
When you turn your face towards your right and left shoulder and say السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ what is that position called?
After Rasulullah's SAW death, the Muslims chose Abu Bakr to be their leader. What did they call him?
Khalifah Rasulullah, Successor of Rasulullah SAW
500 camels to Muslim army
400 dinars to Veterans of Battle of Badr
4000 dinars during Battle of Trench
How many Ayats does Surah Al Ghaashiyah has?
26 ayats