Biblical Greek Words
Biblical Dog References
TruthSeekah Podcast Guests

This phrase means "Holy Spirit" 

What is Hagios Pneuma 


In Revelation, these creatures are said to have faces like a man, a lion, an ox, and an eagle.

What are the four living creatures


This book of the Bible warns, "As a dog returns to its vomit, so fools repeat their folly."

What is Proverbs? (Proverbs 26:11)


In 1 Samuel 28, this king of Israel consulted the Witch of Endor to summon the spirit of the prophet Samuel.

Who is King Saul? (1 Samuel 28:7-20)


This spiritual teacher, known for her work with the Order of Melchizedek, shared her insights on The TruthSeekah Podcast.

Who is Nancy Coen?


This word means "anointed one" 

What is Christos


According to Revelation, this is the new city that descends from heaven, described as beautiful and pure.

What is the New Jerusalem


In Luke 16, this poor beggar was so sick that dogs came and licked his sores.

Who is Lazarus? (Luke 16:20-21)


This prophet did not die but was taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire.

Who is Elijah? (2 Kings 2:11)


This actress, known for her role as the mother in "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial," discussed UFOs and spirituality on The TruthSeekah Podcast.

Who is Dee Wallace?


This word means "Power"

What is Dunamis


This is the first thing John hears when he turns to see the voice speaking to him in Revelation.

What is a Trumpet


Dogs were prophesied to lick up the blood of this wicked king of Israel, just as they had done to his wife Jezebel.

Who is Ahab? (1 Kings 21:19)


In the New Testament, Jesus’ disciples thought they had seen a ghost when He did this miraculous act.

What is walking on water? (Matthew 14:26)


This Korn guitarist shocked the music world when he left the band in 2005 after finding faith in Christ, later sharing his journey in the book Save Me from Myself.

Who is Brian "Head" Welch


This biblical greek word can mean "star"

What is Aster


In Revelation, the seven churches are located in this area/continent.

What is Asia


In Matthew 15, a woman tells Jesus that even dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master's table. What was her nationality?

What is Canaanite (or Syrophoenician)? (Matthew 15:27)


After mocking the prophet Elisha, a group of boys was attacked by these creatures.

What are bears? (2 Kings 2:23-24)


This musician and author, known for his work with the band Project 86, appeared on The TruthSeekah Podcast.

Who is Andrew Schwab?


This greek word can mean "heavens" "heavenly" and "sky"

What is Ouranos

These are the colors of the horses that the four horsemen ride in Revelation

What are white, red, black, and pale horses?


In 1 Samuel 17, this future king of Israel asks Goliath, "Am I a dog, that you come at me with sticks?"

Who is David? (1 Samuel 17:43)


After Jesus' resurrection, many dead people came out of their tombs and appeared to people in this city.

What is Jerusalem? (Matthew 27:51-53)


This late researcher, known for his work on occult symbolism, secret societies, and astrotheology, was a pioneer in exposing hidden knowledge and appeared on The TruthSeekah Podcast.

Who is Jordan Maxwell?