In which battle did the Muslims first face the Quraysh and win decisively?
The Battle of Badr
Who was the first caliph after the Prophet (PBUH) passed away?
Abu Bakr As Saddiq (RA)
What year was the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) born?
570 CE (Year of the Elephant)
What city did the Prophet (PBUH) migrate to after facing persecution in Makkah?
What was the name of the Prophets (PBUH) father and grandfather?
Abdullah Ibn Abdul Muttalib, Abdul Muttalib / Shaybah Ibn Hashim
Which battle led to the martyrdom of Hamza ibn Abdul-Muttalib (RA)?
The Battle of Uhud
Who suggested the idea of digging a trench to defend Madinah from the Quraysh and their allies?
Salman Al Farsi (RA)
What was the name of the treaty signed between the Muslims and Quraysh that allowed a temporary peace?
The Treaty of Hudaybiyyah
How did the Muslims trick the Quraysh into thinking they had more troops during the Battle of Badr?
They spread out their ranks and used extra campfires at night.
How old was the prophet (PBUH) when he first received revelation?
What was the final battle in which the Muslims conquered Makkah without bloodshed?
The Conquest of Makkah
Who was the leader of the Quraysh army in the Battle of Badr?
Abu Jahl
Which event led to the Prophet (PBUH) traveling to Ta’if to seek support, only to be rejected and pelted with stones?
The Year of Sorrow (Aam Al-Huzn)
What agreement allowed the Prophet (PBUH) to send letters to rulers inviting them to Islam?
The Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, which provided temporary peace and security.
Who were the first two people to accept Islam after Khadijah (RA)?
Abu Bakr As-Siddiq (RA) and Ali ibn Abi Talib (RA)
During which battle did the Prophet (PBUH) suffer a serious facial injury?
The Battle of Uhud
Who was the Prophet’s (PBUH) cousin and the fourth caliph of Islam?
Ali Ibn Abi Talib (RA)
What was the night journey and ascension to the heavens called?
Al-Isra wal-Mi’raaj
During the conquest of Makkah, how did the Prophet (PBUH) ensure minimal resistance?
He divided the Muslim army into multiple groups, giving Quraysh no chance to fight.
Who was the Quraishi man who detested the prophet and Islam so much, to the point that he placed animal innards on his back while he was praying?
Abu Jahl
What was the largest military expedition led by the Prophet (PBUH) against the Romans?
The Battle of Tabuk
Who was the commander of the Muslim army in the Battle of Mu’tah after the first three leaders were martyred?
Khalid Ibn Al-Walid (RA)
What event marked the start of the Islamic calendar?
The Hijrah (migration to Madinah)
Which treaty did the Prophet (PBUH) make with the Jewish tribes of Madinah to ensure peace and cooperation?
The Constitution of Madinah
What was the final sermon of the Prophet (PBUH) called, and where did he deliver it?
The Farewell Sermon, delivered at Mount Arafat during Hajj.