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Category 5
On your desk on your name tag.
Where can your cubby number be found?
First thing in the morning and during seatwork time.
When can we sharpen our pencils?
You sit in the classroom and write your multiplication facts.
Where do we spend our time if we have time off at recess and what do we do?
Sweaters, jackets, etc. are kept here.
What is in your cubby?
Yes, you need to raise your hand.
Do we need to raise our hand before we speak during instructional time?
Your cubby is below your name.
Where is your cubby?
One person at the pencil sharpener at a time and you should have 3 pencils to sharpen.
How many students can be at the pencil sharpener at a time and how many pencils do we need to sharpen?
Your grade goes down 10 points and if it is not completed by the next morning it becomes a 0%.
How does it affect our grade if we do not have our assignment done?
The next day unless otherwise designated.
When are our assignments due?
If anything is left on the floor or your chair is not put up at the end of the day you will get your name written on the board.
What are the consequences if we do not put our chairs up or do not pick up around our desk before we leave at the end of the day?
You spelling list will be sent home in your monday folder.
When do we get our spelling list?
Two times a day. Once in the morning and once in the afternoon.
How many times a day can we use the pencil sharpener?
On the right hand side of the board.
Where will our assignments be written?
No birthday parties.
Do we have birthday parties?
You spend one week at the other table in the lunchroom and you cannot talk to anyone when you are at the other table.
What happens if we get more than 3 checks by our name?
Your cover sheet, workbooks, assignment book, etc.
What do you keep in your magazine file?
You sit quietly and continue to work at your seat.
What do you do when Mrs. White or someone else comes in the room to speak to Mrs. See?
You raise your hand and tell the teacher you do not have your assignment done. Your name goes on the left hand side of the board and you miss recess if you do not have it completed before recess time.
What happens if you do not have your assignment done?
Do not be out of your seat unless it is an emergency.
Can we be out of our seats when the teacher needs to leave the room?
You miss the following time from your recess. One check- 5 minutes Two checks- 10 minutes Three checks-15minutes.
What happens if you get your name and check (or checks) on the board?
Take your backpack with you to your seat and take out of it anything you need for the day.
What do we do when we come in the classroom in the morning?
Only one person at my desk, podium, or teacher aid's desk at a time.
How many student's can be at Mrs. See's desk, podium, or teacher aid's desk at a time?
In the morning you will go to your cubby and put up your backpack. In the afternoon you will go to your cubby and get your backpack.
What do we do when the teacher calls our group number in the morning and again in the afternoon before we go home?
In your desk.
Where will all your books be kept during the day?
No. Do not leave the classroom unless you have permission from your teacher.
Can we leave the classroom once we enter in the morning?