What was created on each day of creation?
1. Day & Night
2. Sky & Ocean
3. Grass, Trees & Flowers
4. Sun, Moon & Stars
5. Fish & Birds
6. Animals & Humans
I am אברהם 's servant from כנען:
I am where the עץ הדעת and עץ החיים are
גן עדן
ישמעאל had a bris at 13 years old
עקידת יצחק
The 10th test of אברהם of bringing up יצחק as a קרבן
The daughter of פרעה:
We had an open tent with 4 doors and traveled to spread the oneness of Hashem
אברהם & שרה
I am the city where 4 giants lived and where 4 couples are buried.
קרית ארבע
2 ( Doubled)
מערת המכפלה - was a doubled cave
נח איש צדיק תמים היה בדורתיו
Noach was saved from the מבול
The sign that Hashem gave to נח that he won't destroy the world again and the ברכה:
Rainbow - זוכר הברית ונאמן בבריתו וקים במאמרו
We are the 3 sons on נח who went into the תיבה with him:
שם, חם, יפת
Where אברם went when there was a hunger in ארץ ישראל?
Days of מבול
ויהי ערב ויהי בקר יום אחד
Hahsem created the world each day - evening to day
The job of the 3 מלאכים that came to אברהם after he had a ברית:
1. To tell Sara she was having a baby
2. Heal Avraham
3. To Destroy Sedom
We are a father and son. I tried to kill someone and was killed instead and then my son who tricks people took my place.
לבן & בתואל
This is the city that was destroyed by מלאך גבראל
The age the 3 אבות were meant to live
הקול קול יעקב והידים ידי עשו
יעקב - Power is Davening
עשו- Power is War
The 3 reasons why יצחק's vision weakened:
1. From the smoke of the Avoda Zara of Eisav's wives
2. From the Melachim crying at Akeidas Yitzchak
3. He became blind so Yaakov could get the Brochos
I owned מערת המכפלה and pretended to act kind but charged אברהם 400 silver coins
This is where Avraham brought Yitzchak up as a Korban and Home of the בית המקדש
ארץ המוריה
When שרה passed away
ברית בין הבתרים
The treaty betweeen Hashem & Avraham that Bnei Yisroel will get Eretz Yisroel after going down to Mitzrayim