Book Worm
Blast From the Past
What do you see?
Might Save Your Life
Wild Card
Home Sweet Home

You go here to use the library's database.

What is search@UW / library homepage?


A specialized version of a genre.

What is a subgenre? 


This heuristic helps you plot times on what? 

What is the information cycle? 


The email for the instructor of this course. 

What is


This organelle, found in most cells, is responsible for respiration and energy production. It is commonly known as the powerhouse.

What is the mitochondria? 


UWM is the only school in the state with an all deaf faculty that uses this form of non-verbal communication.

What is American Sign Language? 


You do this when you search names, organizations, or click hyperlinks in a source. 

What is citation chase? 


Individuals or groups who have some investment in an issue you're researching. 

What is a stakeholder? 


This commercial is famous for using what rhetorical appeal? 

What is Pathos?

Dial this for the suicide and crisis help line

What is 988? 


These beloved furry mammals left the National Zoo this past fall on the FedEx _____ Express

What are panda bears? 


This red-feathered bird was the original mascot of UWM before the Panther.

What is a cardinal? 


You can use this feature on the UWM library page to ask for help while researching.

What is Ask a Librarian? 


A complex set of instruction typically used by computers to execute a task. Used for social media and search engines. 

What is an algorithm? 


Companies and businesses take advantage of this when having Black Friday sales. 

What is kairos? 


During a grease fire, you should ____ to get the fire out. 

What is smother/cover/use a fire extinguisher?


The www portion of an online address stands for this

What is world wide web?


In 2018, the Hollywood Reported ranked this UWM program the 24th best in the nation. 

What is the film program?


You use these while researching to find a smaller subset of results.

What is a filter? 


A core course concept that is defined as recognizing when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information

What is information literacy? 


A podcast, meme, and movie poster are all examples of different what


What is medium? 


According to the American Heart Association, this song by the Bee Gees contains the BPM you should follow when performing CPR.

What is Stayin' Alive? 


This singer and actress starred in movies playing nannies, a struggling singer who impersonates a male singer, queens, and villains (and is Meggie's favorite)

Who is Julie Andrews? 


In 1965, this famous civil rights leader spoke in the Union Ballroom after the March on Milwaukee

Who is Martin Luther King Jr.? 


This filing system organizing genres in your local library.

What is the Dewey Decimal System? 


The result of algorithm-driven news feeds and search results that can become like an echo chamber

What is a filter bubble? 


In 1835, penny press newspaper The New York Sun published a series of articles about life on the moon, falsely attributed to astronomer John Herschel. This is an example of the resurgent them what? 

What is fake news? 


If you are swimming and caught in a rip tide in a large body of water, this is what you should do to prevent drowning

What is swim parallel to the shore

(OR stay afloat and swim back once you're out of the current)


In a song from Chicago, we're told to "give em' the old" this title. 

What is razzle dazzle? 


The Emile H. Mathis Gallery in Mitchell Hall houses works by this cubist founder. 

Who is Pablo Picasso? 


The name of the librarian who helped us last month

Who is Claire Dinkelman? 


A logical shortcut based on cultural knowledge

What is an enthymeme?


Which mode completes this image? 

What is gestural? 


When jump starting a dead battery, this color cable is done last and must be grounded to unpainted metal on the car with the dead battery

What is black? 


Starring Margot Robbie and directed by Greta Gerwig, this childhood toy comes to life in the movie Barbie. What is Barbie's real name? 

Who is (Barbara) Millicent Roberts? 


UWM alumni (class of 90') Satya Nadella is CEO of this global tech company. 

What is Microsoft?