General Terms
True or False?
Mental Health Disorders1
Mental Health Disorders 2
Coping Strategies/Therapies

A condition that affects a person's thinking, feeling, behavior or mood.

What is mental illness/mental disorder?


Child are too young to develop a mental illness.

What is False?


A person with this diagnosis often has irrational fears and feelings of impending doom when exposed to certain triggers.

What is a phobia?


A person that has this disorder experiences intrusive, irrational thoughts and engages in repetitive behavior in order to alleviate these thoughts.

What is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?


A type of treatment in which the patient is slowly introduced to more contact with a object that usually causes the patient anxiety.

What is exposure therapy?


A concept that can be proven.

What is a fact?


Certain races or cultural groups are more likely to develop mental health disorder

What is False?


A person with this diagnosis has experienced a significant, negative event and their level of functioning decreases as a result of the event

What is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?


A person that has this diagnosis continues to consume mind altering substances even when it causes negative consequences in numerous areas of their life.

What is a Substance Use Disorder (SUD)?


A type of treatment in which a patient is encouraged to identify their thoughts and how those thoughts influences their feelings, which influences their actions.

What is Cognitive Behavior Therapy?


A story that is often accepted as fact even though it is not.

What is a myth?


A combination of medication and therapy has been shown to be the most effective in treating mental illness.

What is True?


A person with this diagnosis has a hard time focusing and sitting still making finishing things very hard.

What is Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD)?


The person with this diagnosis has difficulty creating and maintaining healthy bonds with other people, usually caused by negative early childhood experiences with a primary caregiver.

What is Reactive Attachment Disorder?

A type of treatment in which mind altering substances are introduced into the body with the hope of stabilizing brain chemistry.

What is medication?


Negative, incorrect beliefs, stereotype or labels

What is is stigma?


Anger is a mental health challenge?

What is False?


A person with this diagnosis had thoughts/ behaviors that are focused too much on food and body weight.

What is an eating disorder?


When someone is often nervous and experiences panic attacks they are said to have this mental health challenge.

What is Anxiety?


What are strategies that enable a person to identify and regulate their thoughts, moods and emotions?

What are self-management techniques?


The symptoms you are experiencing are given a name.

What is is diagnosis?


 1 in 5 Americans will experience a mental illness in a given year.

What is True?


People with this disorder have periods of a signifcant decrease in their mood, energy, and motivation that lasts longer than two weeks.

What is Depression?


A person with this diagnosis engages in a set of behaviors that are considered outside normal human behavior. 

What is a Personality Disorder?


This strategy involves engaging in an activity that results in a person being able to refocus their negative thoughts?

What is distraction?