Substance Use
Coping Skills
Mental Health 1
Mental Health 2

True or False: A person stops developing emotionally when they begin to use drugs and/or alcohol. 

What is TRUE?


Taking a deep breath, walking away, or talking with someone are ways to cope with this emotion.

What is Anger?

A person with this diagnosis often has feelings of being anxious and nervous.
What is anxiety?

A condition that affects a person's thinking, feeling, behavior or mood. These conditions deeply impact day-to-day living and may also affect the ability to relate to others.

What is mental illness?


True or False: Medication and therapy are the most successful tools in dealing with mental health challenges.

What is TRUE?


Long-term use of this drug may detrimentally affect IQ, learning and processing speed, and even shrink the size of the brain’s hippocampus.

What is Cannabis?


A sudden, overpowering fright response or feeling of terror is an example of this.

What is a Panic Attack?


A person with this diagnosis feels scared even if they are safe and there is nothing to be afraid of.

What is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?


Negative beliefs about who you are--versus what you do--is a form of this.

DAILY DOUBLE!! What is Shame?

True or False: Children are too young to develop a mental illness like depression or anxiety.
What is FALSE?

TRUE or FALSE: Addiction is not caused by emotional or psychological problems.

TRUE: it's neurochemical


Doing this each day is essential to coping with life's pressures.

DAILY DOUBLE!! What is Taking time for yourself? (or your own answer)


A person who is disorganized, easily distracted or frequently bored, may have this diagnosis.

What is ADHD?


TRUE or FALSE: People who are insecure are more likely to use social media.

What is TRUE?


Poor appetite or overeating, sleep issues, low energy, low self-esteem, poor concentration or difficulty making decisions are symptoms of this disorder.

What is Depression?


People who are addicted to this are more likely to be diagnosed with depression.

What is a cell phone? (due to a 2D construct of the world)


Analyzing how your thoughts and feelings affect your behavior is known as this type of therapy.

What is CBT?


A person with this diagnosis has thoughts and behaviors that are focused too much on body image.

What is Body Dysmorphia?


A sudden, overpowering fright response or feeling of terror for no known reason is an example of this.

What is a Panic Attack?


True or False: People with mental health challenges have to take special tests to get a job or buy a house.

What is FALSE?


This synthetic opioid is 50-100 times stronger than morphine.

What is Fentanyl?


This type of therapy is based upon Radical Acceptance.

What is DBT?


A person with this diagnosis experiences dramatic shifts in a person’s mood, energy and ability to think clearly and experience high and low moods.

What is Bipolar Disorder?


Impulsively buying things on Amazon and staying up for days is commonly associated with this.

What is Mania or Bipolar?


While these particular things are compelling, they're not always reliable b/c they distort reality and may negatively affect how we behave.

What are Feelings?