Environmental Factors

Develops rapidly and is caused by reduced muscle cell force

What is peripheral fatigue?


A model of exercise training design that incorporates planned recovery between workout sessions.

What is the fitness-fatigue model of training?


An outcome of challenging training that has consequences for physical, mental and performance factors but is transient in nature.

What is overreaching?


37 degree celcius

What is normal body temperature?


A category of altitude 3000-5500m above sea level.

What is high altitiude?


Activities used for training that involved a vigorous bout of intense activity that may last for less than a second or as long as 1-2 minutes.

What is high-intensity exercise?


Low-intensity exercise to promote recover either immediately after, or in the days following an intense training session or competition. 

What is active recovery?


A method of training which aims to increase the explosive maximum force that a muscle can develop is attained during a rapid eccentric contraction.

What is plyometric training?


The process of heat transfer from one location to the next by the movement of fluids.

What is convection?


Effects may include low humidity resulting in dehydration and diuresis (increased urine production).

What are the effects of altitude on fluid balance?


A reversible exercise-induced decline in performance.

What is fatigue?


Physiological factors include reduced blood lactate concentration.

Symptomatic indicators include reduced muscle soreness.

Psychological factors include improve motivation and preparedness for the next session or competition.

What are the reasons/benefits of performing active recovery?


Performing exercise in an organised manner on a regular basis with a specific goal in mind.

What is training?


The physical adaptations of this kind of preparation can include increased plasma volume, increased sweat response and reduced rate of muscle glycogen utilisation.

What is acclimatisation to heat?


Performing this type of training can trigger the release of the hormone EPO which stimulates red blood cell production.

What is altitude training?


Depletion of energy sources (creatine phosphate and ATP) & increase in levels of the produces of exercise such as lactate and hydrogen ions

What are the factors that cause peripheral fatigue?


Benefits of this recovery method may include analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects for soft-tissue and perception of enhanced recovery rates and improved performance. Risks are associated with exposure to prolonged or extreme cold.

What is cryotherapy?


Factors of this condition are highly individual but could include chronic muscle soreness, reduced immune function, sleep disturbance, fatigue and decreased appetite.

What are the possible factors of overtraining?


An increase in metabolic heat production (above the basal metabolism) that is not associated with muscle activity. It occurs mainly through metabolism in brown fat and to a lesser degree also in skeletal muscle, liver, brain, and white fat.

What is non-shivering thermogenesis?


The effects may include a reduction in drag due to lower air density, reduced aerobic capacity due to lower partial pressure of oxygen and altered projectile motion.

What are the effects of altitude on sports performance?


excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC)

restoration of muscle creatine and phosphate stores

removal of lactic acid

replenishment of myoglobin stores

replacement of muscle and liver glycogen stores

How does the body recover from fatigue after sports?


Low cost, easy to use and non-invasive, used across many different sports, evidence of any enhancement of recovery is inconclusive.

What are compression garments?


An organized approach to training that involves progressive cycling of various aspects of a training program during a specific period of time.

What is periodisation?


This ratio is the reason why small children find it difficult to maintain normal body temperature in the cold.

What is the surface area to body mass ratio?


The accumulation of fluid in the lungs results in shortness of breath, elevated heart rate as well as coughing, wheezing while breathing and a bluish appearance to the skin.

What is high-altitude pulmonary adema (HAPE)?