The year in Trump
Christmas time
It's an Advertisers world
Catholic Christmas
Is there a doctor in the house ?

He was the last cabinet member to resign 

Bonus -- his nickname 

Who is General James "mad Dog " Mattis


In this Christmas movie sequel , POTUS has a cameo role 

What is Home Alone 2


Put these famous advertising characters in their chronological order 

1) Jolly Green Giant

2) Morton Salt Girl

3) Mr. Clean

What is Morton Salt 1914 , Jolly Green Giant 1954 and Mr Clean 1958


Silent Night was first sung in this country in 1818

What is Austria ?


This doctor , along with Brett Cavanaugh, took the media and the nation by storm in September this year 

Who is PhD in Psychology at Stanford , Christine Blasey Ford?


What is the meaning of the name of Emmanuel?

Emmanuel means God with us


When touring the the fire ravaged town of Paradise California , Trump mistakenly referred to it as 

What is Pleasure ?


The number one all time selling is this famous song of the season 

What is Bing Crosby's "White Christmas"


For the millenials , put these in chronological order 

Verizon -- "Can you hear me now" commercial 

Apple iphone -- "think different"

Sony playstation 2 

 What is the 

Playstation 2 (2000)

Verizon commercial 2002

Iphone 2007


this saint is said to be responsible for the the first Nativity scene

Who is Saint Francis?


A "doc" was thought to be the inventor of the most popular beverage in the world back in the 1886 in Atlanta

What is coca cola -- Doctor Pemberton


Who appeared to tell Mary that she was with child?

The Angel Gabriel 


Trumps longtime person lawyer Michael Cohen announced that he paid 130,000 dollars to silence this " film star"

 Who is Stormy Daniels 


"You re mean one Mr Grinch" ( original version ) was sung by the same guy who did the voice of this cat who is the spokesperson for a breakfast cereal. Name that cat 

Who is Tony the Tiger


This world famous beverage company has been using Santa in the ads since 1931

What is Coca-Cola?



According to most  historians Christmas day began to be celebrated on December 25 th around this year 

(+plus or minus 100 years )

Bonus " atta boy" who was the emperor at the time

Bonus " atta boy" -- Who was the emperor that decided

 what is 336 AD and Constantine


POTUS nominated this Juris Doctor (JD)  to replace Scalia on the Supreme Court

Who is Neil Gorsuch JD


What are the gifts that the Three Wise Men gave baby Jesus, according to Christmas history?

Gold, Myrrh, and Frankincense


Trump met face to face with these 2 evil world leaders in 2018

Who are Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin


According to this famous song , this happens on the 9th day of Christmas 

what are nine ladies dancing?


This debonair  " most interesting man in the world has been selling this product since 2006 

what is Dos equis ?


 Santa Claus is based of this 4th century Saint who was a bishop of Turkey

Who is Saint Nicholas  


Since Christmas is family time  Dr. Drew is an uncle to total of  _____ nieces and nephews ( both sides of the family ) 

What is 18 ( nieces and nephews )


When the shepherds went looking for Jesus, what was the sign they were to look for?

A baby, wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. Luke 2:12.


Because of many disagreements,  this Senator died and specifically asked that POTUS not attend the state funeral 

Who was John McCain ?


This country is the native home of this red and green foliage  Christmas plant>it was introduced to the US in 1825 

Name of country and plant

what is Mexico and the pointsetta


Using characters from Samuel L Jackson to marauding Vikings -- this credit card company wants to know " whats in your wallet"?

What is "Capital One"?


 Hallmark introduced Christmas cards in this year and now about 3 billion are sent every year 

+ or _ 5 years 

What is 1915

1910 to 1920 acceptable


 This media famous doctor started out as the "Health expert" on the Oprah show in 2004

 Who is Dr. Oz


How did Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem?

The bible doesn’t specify, but it’s been depicted with Mary on a donkey and Joseph walking beside her.


What Bing Crosby song is the best-selling single ever?

White Christmas


In the 1964 classic “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer,” what was the name of Rudolph’s faithful elf companion?



What much-reviled Christmas edible is known for its long shelf life?



What figure from English folklore came to be associated with Santa Claus?

Father Christmas


What are two other names for Santa Claus?

Saint Nick

Kris Kringle


How many angels spoke to the shepherds?



In the carol, “It’s Beginning to Look a Lot like Christmas”, what is the prettiest sight to see?

"The holly that will be on your front door”


What holiday movie sequel includes a cameo by Donald Trump?

Home Alone 2


What is a ‘Bûche de Noël’, commonly eaten in France at Christmas?

Yule log (cake/chocolate log or similar acceptable)


How many days do we have between Christmas and the Epiphany?



In the movie “A Christmas Story,” what was the name of the next door neighbors whose dogs ate the Christmas turkey?

The Bumpuses


Matthew 2:8 says that Herod asked the wise men to inform him where the baby Jesus was. Why does this verse say he wanted to know?

So that he could worship the child. But we know that his intentions were far from worship. Matthew 2:11-18