What is a seizure?
A sudden surge of electrical activity in the brain that can cause changes in behavior, movements, or feelings.
What is epilepsy?
Epilepsy is a disorder in the brain that causes repeated seizures over time.
What should you do first if you see someone having a seizure?
Stay calm and make sure the person is safe. Clear the area of dangerous objects.
Why should you NEVER put something in an infant’s mouth during a seizure?
It could cause choking or injury.
Which famous scientist had epilepsy and is known for his work on the theory of relativity?
Albert Einstein
What is a common type of seizure where a person might appear to stare blankly and not respond
Absence Seizure
Which type of seizure is commonly associated with Epilepsy?
Should you try to stop a person’s movements during a seizure?
No, you should not try to hold the person down or stop their movements. Let the seizure run its course.
True or false: It is helpful to remove any tight clothing around the infant's neck and head
True- this helps cools body and prevents restriction of airways.
Which famous Dutch artist, known for his iconic paintings like Starry Night, is believed to have had epilepsy?
Vincent van Gogh
How long does a seizure typically last?
A few seconds to a few minutes.
Approximately 1 in how many people experience a seizure during their lifetime?
1 in 10 people
There are several S’s that are helpful for remembering first aid for seizure. What are three?
Stay with the person, Safety for the person, Space for the person, Stopwatch to time the seizure, Side recovery position
What is the recovery position for infants?
Cradle them in your arm with the head tilted downwards.
Which famous actor, perhaps best known for starring as a cautious veteran detective in the action blockbuster Lethal Weapon, has spoken openly about having epilepsy?
Danny Glover
What type of seizure is sometimes referred to as a partial seizure?
Focal Seizure
What are two strategies people with epilepsy can use to manage their symptoms?
Medication, managing stress, learning triggers, service dogs.
What is the purpose of timing someone's seizure?
It provides crucial information to determine if emergency medical attention is needed.
If you suspect an infant's seizure is caused by a fever, what should you do during and/or immediately after the seizure stops?
Call a doctor or emergency services right away. You should also try to cool the baby down by removing extra clothing and offering fluids (if they are alert), or use a cool, damp cloth on their body.
Which NLF player who has only ever played for the Atlanta Falcons since 2007 has epilepsy and emphasizes public awareness?
Jason Snelling
Approximately how many neurons do we have in our brains traveling at what speed?
85-100 billion neurons traveling at 200 miles per hour.
How do service dogs smell seizures?
By detecting chemical cues released in the body before a seizure. These cues change the composition of odor molecules that are released into sweat, saliva, and exhaled air.
How do you know if a seizure has risen to the level of a medical emergency? Provide three cues.
Lasts longer than 5 minutes, repeats, is the person’s first seizure, occurs alongside other symptoms like fever or difficulty breathing, or the person experiences a separate injury.
Why is early detection of seizures in infants so important?
This is a critical period of brain development, so the consequences are a lot more severe. If a baby’s brain can’t process information well they may lose a lot in terms of their ultimate development.
Which famous musician, who composed over 600 pieces of music, had epilepsy?
Ludwig van Beethoven.