what is a sudden burst of electrical activity in the brain?
what is a seizure?
How many people suffer from seizures around the world?
What is around 50 million people?
taking these as prescribed to mange conditions
what is medication?
what is a environment trigger that could happen in the summer?
what is overheating?
muscles become stiff
what is tonic?
what is the length of a seizure normally?
what is 30 seconds to 2 minutes?
What are the living conditions of 80% of people with epilepsy have?
what is low and middle income?
what is eating balanced and regular meals?
what is a good thing to decries in your everyday life to prevent seizures?
what is minimizing stress?
sudden loss of muscle strength or tone
what is atonic?
What could be the cause of a seizure?
What could be a stroke? What could be a head injury? what could be meningitis?
how much more likely is people with epilepsy to drown?
what is 15-19 times more likely to drown?
avoiding these can help protect you from further complications
what is alcohol and drugs?
Some genetic pathogenic variants (changes in genes) can occur spontaneously in a child without being present in either parent
what is a genetic defect?
Short, lightning-quick, jerking movements
what is myoclonic?
what medicine can cure seizures?
what is no cure only control?
What is the common age of epilepsy?
what is younger children and older adults?
engaging in this activity regularly is good for your health and strengths muscles
what is frequent exercise?
what is an environment trigger that could happen with sudden and repetitive of this light?
what is flashing lights?
Periods of rhythmic shaking or jerking movements
what is clonic
what is a neurological disorder?
what is epilepsy?
what ratio of people are affected in the world with epilepsy?
what is 1 in 26 people?
doing this at night is essential for both you physical and mental health
what is sleeping regularly?
standing on the edge of a high mountain could cause which trigger for seizures?
what is high altitude?
Brief lapses in consciousness, often mistaken for daydreaming
what is absence