This is the ability to recognize and understand your own emotions
What is self-awareness?
Taking deep breaths, counting to ten, and practicing mindfulness are all ways to do this.
What is managing stress?
This is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person
What is empathy?
Being honest and telling the truth builds this in relationships
What is trust?
Thinking about the potential outcomes before making a choice is an example of this.
What is considering consequences?
Writing down your thoughts and feelings in this can help you process emotions.
What is a journal?
People use this technique to calm themselves down by imagining peaceful places.
What is visualization? or meditation?
This phrase describes the ability to recognize and understand how someone else might be feeling, even if they don’t say it out loud.
What is reading social cues?
This skill involves expressing your thoughts and feelings in a clear, respectful way.
What is assertive communication?
This phrase describes when someone does something because of peer pressure, even if they know it’s not right.
What is going along with the crowd?
The ability to understand and appreciate your strengths and weaknesses is called this.
What is self-reflection?
Exercise, sleep, and healthy eating are all ways to regulate this system that influences emotions.
What is the nervous system?
This type of language includes facial expressions and body posture
What is nonverbal communication?
When two people have a disagreement, this is the process of finding a solution that works for both.
What is conflict resolution?
When faced with a difficult choice, considering what is right and fair shows this kind of reasoning.
What is ethical decision-making?
This phrase describes the voice in your head that tells you whether you can or can’t do something.
What is self-talk?
The ability to bounce back from challenges and setbacks is called this
What is resilience?
Active listening means doing this instead of just waiting for your turn to talk.
What is focusing on understanding the other person?
Encouraging a friend, celebrating their success, and standing up for them are ways to show this.
What is support?
When making decisions, it’s important to think about whether your choice is based on facts or influenced by strong emotions.
What is emotional awareness?
This psychological concept describes when you believe your actions can directly impact your life outcomes.
What is a growth mindset?
This practice involves fully accepting reality as it is, even when it’s painful, instead of resisting or denying it.
What is radical acceptance?
When you recognize that someone else's feelings or experiences are different from your own but still valid, you are showing this skill.
What is compassion?
Setting these in relationships helps you protect your emotional well-being
What are boundaries?
When you make a mistake, taking responsibility for your actions and learning from it is an example of this.
What is accountability?