Our Class
True or False

A connection between two things.



Name two things SEL can help you do...

Possible answers: identify and manage our feelings, lower our stress, make and keep friends, understand other people, make good decisions, set goals for ourselves, understand who we are as people, get better grades, be healthier, be more successful...  it can help with SO MANY different things!


What is your Speech teacher's name?

Ms. Janelle Bingham 

She will be in our classroom on Thursdays from 8:15-8:45 AM 


True or False: Dismissing someone's feelings is NOT a way to show empathy.  (Ex: saying "You shouldn't feel that way," or "Get over it.")

TRUE!  Dismissing someone's feelings is NOT a way to show empathy. 


A group of people who live together or have something in common.



What are the three things we have learned in our SEL classes

1) Integrity/Honesty, 2) Self, and 3) Relationships 4) Community


1) Playing games together, 2) watching or making videos online, 3) starting an online club, 4) doing a socially distant sport or workout, and 5) mailing letters or finding a pen pal are ALL ways that we can... social!  What other things can we do to socialize safely? 


True or False:  Strong relationships can help you live longer, stress less, be healthier, and feel richer.

TRUE!  Strong relationships can help you do all four of these things!


The ability to understand and respond to the way other people are feeling.


How we handle emotions and goals, feel and show empathy for others, and make positive relationships and responsible decisions.

SEL (Social Emotional Learning)


Is this an example of empathy?

Yes!  Putting yourself in someone else's shoes means understanding how someone else feels, and then taking steps to show them you understand.


True or False:  SEL will help you manage emotions and stress, have better relationships, and be more successful.

TRUE!  SEL can help you do all these things and more!


Being aware of other people around you and how they feel is... 

Social Awareness


We are preparing for our Life skills/functional life.  Why is it important?

Understanding ourselves and becoming independent!

We will learn about ourselves, our emotions, and our brains. What things do you want to know more about?


How is this person PROBABLY feeling? 

Angry, mad, furious (his mouth is frowning and his teeth are clenched, his forehead is wrinkled and his eyes are narrowed)


True or False: NOT having good relationships can actually make us sick.

TRUE!  People who don't have good relationships are 50% more likely to catch a cold. They also feel more pain and heal more slowly. 


Managing YOURSELF and your emotions is...

Self Management or Self Regulation


1) Social Awareness, 2) Relationships, 3) Self Awareness, 4) Self Management, and 5) Responsible Decision Making are the... 

5 parts of social emotional learning


Empathy or Not?  A student's family was going through a really hard time. Their friend made a giant kindness card and got the whole class to sign it.

Empathy!  By making a card, the student's friend showed that they understood how that person was feeling. Instead of judging them, they did something that shows they care.

(They did NOT give advice, try to fix the problem, dismiss the person's feelings, or use sarcasm.)


True or False: COVID-19 is making it's impossible to hang out together in ANY way.

FALSE!  There are a lot of ways we can hang out!  We just need to be a little creative, try a little more, and have an open mind.