Mindfulness is being _____________ in the moment.
What is being "focused or present?"
This is the definition of "equity."
What is "students getting what they need to help meet their needs?"
This chart lists the names of your ancestors n chronological/time order.
What is a "family tree/family diagram?"
What is "online/on the Internet?"
This is an example of the positive "Attitude" CARE core value.
What is being "nice, kind, considerate to others?"
This practice can help improve our attention.
What is "meditation?"
Affirming others, using "I" statements, and sharing talk time are examples of norms in the Commitment to _________ ___________.
What is "Brave Space?"
You can look up your family history or details about your ancestors in these records online or in a library.
What are "census records?"
You are only to visit these web sites on your school-issued devices and during the school day.
What are "authorized/District-approved sites?"
This is an example of the "Responsibility" CARE core value in virtual school.
What is "logging into classes on time/turning in assignments on times/answering TEAMS calls?"
Thoughts, feelings and body sensations are parts of these systems.
What are the "Internal Weather Systems?"
Your hobbies, habits, interests, personality and values are all parts of your _______________.
What is "identity?"
This is what it's called when you ask your parents or other family members about your family history.
What is a "family interview?"
You should never respond or accept requests to connect from __________ people online.
Who are "unknown/unrecognized people?"
This is an example of the "Collaboration" core value in your class meetings.
What are "breakout groups?"
This is defined as change and growth in the brain.
What is "neuroplasticity?"
This is defined as doing the right thing at the right time online.
What is "digital integrity?"
Genealogy research can help you trace your family history back to the origin of different ______________.
What are "countries/continents?"
________________ is both illegal zero tolerance in Shelby County Schools. This behavior includes harassment, insults and taunts toward others.
What is "Cyberbullying?"
This is an example of the "Effort" CARE core value.
What is "doing your best work in school, answering/volunteering questions in class?"
This part of the brain helps us regulate our strong emotions and helps us to know how to appropriately interact with and respond to others.
What is the "frontal lobe?"
Justice is ____________ to all.
What is "fairness?"
There are various free ______________ where you can find digital information about your ancestors.
What are "ancestral research web sites?"
When you email other people, in particular adults, make sure your communication is _________ and ____________.
What is "polite" and "respectful?"
This activity is an example of all CARE core values=Collaboration, Attitude, Responsibility and Effort.
What are after-school "Peer Study Groups?"