Feelings and Emotions
Growth Mindset
Perspective Taking

FILL IN THE BLANK: _____________ are what you feel on the inside when things happen to you.


People who believe that challenges and failures are opportunities for learning, and that skills and abilities can be developed through effort and consistency have a _______________.
Growth mindset

What does perspective mean to you?

Answers vary.

Each member of the group; What is another feeling word for MAD?
Angry, upset, frustrated, annoyed, furious, infuriated, etc.
What does it mean to have a fixed mindset?
Having a fixed mindset means that you think skills and abilities cannot be developed, you either have them or you don't. You also may give up easily and run away from things that are too hard.

Why might you need to see someone else's perspective in a situation?

Answers vary.

TRUE OR FALSE: You can experience more than one emotion at a time.
TRUE. You can experience multiple emotions at a time.
CHANGE YOUR MINDSET: "I can't do this".
I can't do this yet, I can do this, I may need some help, etc.

How do others feel when we only think about our own perspective?

Sad, frustrated, angry. Answers may vary.

FILL IN THE BLANK: Emotions that we avoid and don't like to experience are called ___________ emotions. (Provide examples)
Negative emotions (sad, angry, frustrated, stressed, tense, hurt, jealous, etc.)
CHANGE YOUR MINDSET: "I made a mistake. I can't fix it."
Mistakes help me learn, I can try again, I can fix this, etc.

What is a situation where you might need to see another person's perspective?

Answers may vary.