
What is a compliment and how does it make someone feel?

A compliment is saying something nice to someone.  A compliment makes someone feel good.


Give an example of a negative emotion and a positive emotion.

Negative: sad, mad, frustrated, etc.

Positive: happy, excited, silly


Which situation demonstrates empathy?

A: A teacher sees a student start to cry while learning something new and they approach the student and pat their back and says "you got this".

B: A student tripped outside on an icy patch and fell down.  Another student ran by them and laughed.

Situation A shows Empathy.


What does SEL stand for?

Social Emotional Learning


What is it called when you try to think of what the another person is thinking or feeling?

Hint: it is a big word that starts with a P.  You might talk about this when discussing characters in a book.

Perspective or perspective-taking
What is an example of something that might make a student in class feel frustrated?

Answers vary, Mrs. Clark gets the final say! :)


How can the 5th grade boy in this situation change his actions to show empathy?

Situation: A girl in 3rd grade is stomping around on the playground before school starts.  A 5th grade boy notices her, but walks past her without saying anything.

Say something caring or positive to her or ask if she is okay.  **Answers vary, Mrs. Clark has the final say! :)**


What is a coping strategy?

Something you do in order to control your emotions so you can go about your day and do what you need to do.


What is the difference between a positive consequence and a negative consequence?

A positive consequence has a good effect/sends good vibes and a negative consequence has a bad effect/sends bad vibes.

BONUS: Give an example of each for an additional 200 points!


What does it mean to be bored?  

Bored is when you are not interested in something that is happening around you.  You might be bored if you do not like the subject or activity.

BONUS:  What can you tell yourself in your head to get through/complete a boring activity? 200 extra points


Describe what empathy is.

Empathy is being able to FEEL what someone else might be thinking or feeling.


What is positive self talk?

Something you say to yourself in your head to help yourself through a situation and/or encourage yourself.

BONUS: true or false...this can be used as a coping strategy? 100 points


What is one benefit of purposely demonstrating kindness in your classroom and/or school?

Hint: what type of climate or culture does it create?

It creates a positive climate or culture


What does it mean to be irate?

Hint: it is a negative emotion.

Irate means to have a lot of anger


How can the girl in this situation change her actions to show empathy?

Situation: A boy in class comes into class in the morning frowning and looking sad.  The teacher instructs the kids to work with their table group on a math problem.  The boy starts the problem but writes the wrong number as an answer.  The girl says something about the answer being wrong.  The boy yells "I don't care!"  The girl feels startled and mad and yells back at the boy. 

Ask if he is okay, say something encouraging, or resist the urge to yell back (don't yell back).

Answers vary, Mrs. Clark gets the final say! :)


To change your mood you must change your ______.
