Conflict Resolution

What is bullying? 

(Can you think of any of the key terms?)

Bullying is when someone keeps being mean to someone else over and over. The person it is happening to can't make it stop. No one wants or deserves to be bullied.


What is a conflict?

A problem, disagreement, argument between two or more people

What is the difference between a comfortable versus an uncomfortable feeling?

A comfortable feeling makes you feel good, relaxed, and at ease. Your body feels comfortable. 

An uncomfortable feeling makes you feel not so great. Your body will send you clues that something is not right.


What is a career?

A job or an occupation that you get paid to do for a significant period of time, often with opportunity for growth. 

What makes a friendship a healthy friendship?

When both people feel respected, supported, can share their ideas and are safe. 

What is a bystander

The person who sees the bullying happen. 


On Kelso's Wheel, how many choices do you try before getting help from an adult?

2 choices


When you are feeling angry, where do you feel that anger in your body? What are YOUR personal body clues?

Answer could include:

Hot cheeks, sweaty, heart racing, tight shoulders, upset stomach/butterflies in your stomach, shaking legs, tight muscles...


What is a career cluster/career path?

A group of careers that a similar to each other


What makes a friendship unhealthy?

When one person is the boss/has all the control, when there is bullying, when they do not respect each other, when the friendship feels unfair or not fun


What is bystander power?

When the bystander uses their power to make the bullying stop! 

They can:

1) Refuse- Stand up to the bully and say "stop"

2) Report the bullying

3) Support- the target


What is an I message?

I feel _______ (feeling word)

when you _______ (say what they did that made you feel that way)

I would like you to _______ (name what you want to have happen)


What are some of your coping strategies to use when you have an uncomfortable emotion?

Talk to someone, listen to music, get some exercise, read, be alone, be around friends, color/draw, mindfulness, and so much more!!


On average, how many years does it take to get a bachelor's degree?

4 years


What is a buddy bench?

It is a bench at our playgrounds used for students who are looking for someone to play with. If a child is sitting on the bench, you should invite them to play with you! 


What are the four types of bullying?

1) Physical

2) Verbal

3) Exclusion

4) Cyber


Do you remember what S.T.E.P. stands for when solving a problem? Hint- think of the song!

S- Say the problem

T- Think of solutions

E- Explore Consequences

P- Pick the best solution


What is anxiety?

Anxiety is like worrying. People may feel anxious about things that they cannot control, about things that may not actually happen, or about something new


When choosing a career you need to think about what you value in a future career. What are some options that people value when exploring careers?



Free time

Work hours

Educational requirements

Working alone or with others

The "tools" used in the career


Why is it important to compromise in a friendship?

Compromise means both people give a little bit, take turns, and share so that both people feel good. It is important to compromise in a friendship so both people are equal. 

Is bullying allowed at Lake Bluff and Atwater Schools?


There is even school board policy naming that bullying is not tolerated (allowed) in our district. Everyone deserves to feel and be safe at school


What is the difference between a SMALL and a BIG problem?

A small problem is a problem that can be solved on your own without adult help. No one is in danger. 

A big problem means someone is in danger or could potentially get hurt (emotionally or physically) 


Is it normal to experience anxiety?

YES! All people feel anxious at times


What do you want to explore more about careers?

This is an open ended question! 


What is the most special kind of compliment you can give a friend?

A character compliment! 

Compliment the friend on their personality or their character qualities.