Impulse Control
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What do you think SEL mean?

SEL: Social Emotional Learning. 

Learning how to manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.


What is an impulse?

A feeling of urgency that compels us to do something sporadic without thinking. 


What is the largest planet in the solar system?



Name two physical warning signs you might feel when you are beginning to feel anxious or nervous?

Butterflies, sweaty hands, thoughts flying around in your head, pit in your stomach, clammy, increased heart rate, red face, heavy breathing, etc. 


Name 3 uncomfortable feelings 

Anxious, Confused, Upset, Worrisome, Angry, Jealousy, Guilt, Grief, Disgust, Stressed, Frustrated, Lonely, Ashamed, Hurt, Scared, Embarrassed, Disappointed, Agitated, Overwhelmed, Fear. 


What is a coping strategy?

Coping Strategy: An activity or cognitive skill that allows us to reduce negative emotions, behaviors, or reactions.

Examples: Taking a walk, using a fidget, reading, talking with something, taking space, etc. 


How does having impulse control help you make positive decisions?

We stop, think about our words and actions, consider the consequences, and can make smart choices. 


What is the name of the highest mountain in the world?

Mt. Everest


What is one strategy to help you calm down if you are feeling angry?

Deep breathing, walking away, talk to someone else, etc. 


What is one way you can change the way you feel?

Change the way you think! 


Why is SEL important for a student?

SEL is important because it teaches healthy coping, emotional, and behavioral skills. It helps students manage stress and negative emotions in the classroom. 


How can having impulse control help you get better grades?

Impulse control can help us consider the consequences of ignoring homework and school and consider the positive impact of studying, completing our work, and achieving our goals. 

Impulse control can help us think about our actions/choices before making them!


What is the largest ocean?

The Pacific


Who is someone you can talk to when you are feeling anxious?

Parents, siblings, family, teachers, counselors, friends, other trusted adults. 


What does being mindful mean to you?

Mindful: To be calm and present in the moment. To observe your current surroundings. Not dwelling on disappointments of the past or anxieties of the future. To be fully relaxed. 


Name a time that you used a coping strategy and it helped you

Healthy Coping Strategies: exercise, writing, talking it out, walking away, meditating, deep breathing, etc. 


T/F: As we get older, we usually become less impulsive?



How many Olympic rings are there?



When we ask for what we need in a calm and respective way, it is called being:

A. Passive

B. Assertive

C. Aggressive

B. Assertive


When you can understand how someone else is feeling, it is called having _________



What is one way that having good SEL skills helps you do better academically?

SEL skills can improve our focus and attention in class. It can help improve our grades in school. It can help us manage our friendships and behaviors. It can also help reduce stress and anxiety. 


T/F: An impulsive person might do something without thinking of the consequences of their actions?



Who wrote Romeo and Juliet?

William Shakespeare


When we are feeling annoyed in the classroom, it is okay to walk out of the room and take space as needed?

No, you cannot leave the classroom whenever you want. But, if we ask the teacher and make a plan it is okay to take space! 


When you focus on the positive things in your life, it is called having a ______________

Positive mindset 

Examples: Practicing gratitude and optimism. Surround yourself with positive people. Not letting the little things "get you down."