What is an emotion on the blue quadrant?
sadness, tired, depressed, lonely, exhausted, etc.
what does Empathy mean
being aware of and sharing another person's feelings, experiences, and emotions
what does SEL stand for
Social Emotional Learning
What is a Class Charter?
A visual document that establishes an agreed set of rights-based principles upon which relationships can be based and which provide a language for shared values
What is a Meta Moment?
A structured process that helps people pause and respond to challenging situations in a way that aligns with their values. It's a tool for self-regulation and emotional intelligence.
What is the golden rule?
treat others the way you want to be treated.
what is the difference between empathy and sympathy?
Empathy being aware of and sharing another person's feelings, experiences, and emotions
Sympathy feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune.
what are 3 lessons i talked about this year
suicide, relationships, dating violence, friendship skills, problem solving, coping skills,
Kind, hardworking, respectfully, positive character traits.
Give an example of what a good relationship looks like
happy, healthy, good communication, honesty, respect, love.
TRIPLE PLAY 3 members of the group, give an example of how you have shown empathy to one of the members in our school community.
Give examples
ALL TEAMS CAN EARN POINTS!! One member of each team will share one thing you learned in SEL this year and how you will utilize it in your classroom/teaching.
Give examples.
DAILY DOUBLE What does R.U.L.E.R stand for?
Recognizing, Understanding, Labeling, Expressing, Regulating
what qualities do good colleagues have, name 5
honesty, respectful, humor, loyal, dependable, etc.