Social Skills
Coping Skills

True or False: If I don't like something that the student next to me is doing, it is ok for me to yell at them.

False. I can say to them in an assertive or just right way that I don't like what they are doing.


You heard from someone that your best friend was talking about you. What should you do?

Go to your best friend and ask them about the situation directly. Don't believe rumors/gossip as fact. 


If someone bothers me, what should I do?

Ignore it, tell them to stop, walk away, tell an adult.


What should you do?

1. Ask if she is okay

2. Help her pick up the books and paper


You don't understand the assignment you are supposed to be working on. What can you do to keep from getting frustrated?

Ask a teacher for help. Remember it's okay to not understand. Try not to argue. Listen to the teacher explain and then ask questions.


What is the capital of Minnesota?

St. Paul


True or false:  It is ok to look into someone's belongings when they aren't looking. Explain your answer.

FALSE. It is never ok to go through someone else's belongings, especially when they aren't looking.


What should you do if you see someone getting bullied?

Stand up for them.

Get them away from the bully.

Offer to go with them to tell an adult.


What qualities make someone a friend?

Someone that you like spending time with and likes spending time with you.  You usually have something in common or like/dislike the same things. You can trust them and rely on them. You respect each other.


How do you show that you have good sportsmanship after losing a game in gym class? 

Congratulate the winner, even though you are upset you lost. Remember it is just a game. 


What do you do if someone is bothering you in the hall or at recess?

Walk Away


Who is this famous person?

Mahatma Ghandi


True or False. 

I don't have to pick up after myself, that is the custodian's job.



What qualities do you think make someone a “trusted adult”? Who are the trusted adults in your life?

Trusted adults make children feel safe, are good listeners, and are helpful when you are facing a challenge. This person is usually a family member, teacher, or mentor.


True or false: It is okay to talk about other people's families in a negative way.

False.  It is not acceptable to talk about others or their families in a negative way. 


You've been playing with someone online almost everyday for a few months and they say they want to meet up with you. You've never met them before but they say they are your age and go to a school near your house. Should you meet up with them?

No. People can use AI and other editing to pretend to be someone else. Don't give out your information like age, address, school you go to online. There is no way for you to know for sure that they are telling the truth. 


What can you do if you are feeling frustrated?

Take deep breaths, talk to someone about it, ask for a break.


What year was the OLD St. Peter High School built?

1958! It originally was the St Peter High School 


True or false. In school, if someone is saying unkind things to me or saying bad words, I should do the same thing to them.

False. In school, you are expected to be appropriate- regardless of what others are doing. You are in charge of your own choices and do not have to respond inappropriately. 


How do you show that you are listening to someone when they are speaking to you?

Practice whole body listening. Eyes are looking at the speaker, your body is facing them, ears listening, brain is thinking. 


True or false: In school, if I do not like someone, it is okay to be mean to that person or say unkind things about them. 

False, it is okay if we do not want to hang out with someone, but it is not okay to be disrespectful, especially on purpose. 


True or False.  You're in gym class and feel like someone is not playing fairly.  I should yell at them that they are cheating.

False.  I can tell them appropriately that they need to follow the rules, without telling at them.


A friend has said something that hurts your feelings. What can you do?

Tell them how you feel with a calm voice and explain why. Avoid yelling at them.


What is this called?

Tatertot Hotdish

True or False. I do not need to be respectful if it is someone that I don't like.

False.  I need to be respectful everyone, even if I don't like them. I can avoid people I don't like and still show respect.


Your friend tells you that something you did hurt their feelings. What should you do?

Apologize and listen to their side of the story. Try to understand their perspective even if you don't think you did anything hurtful.


You are in the lunch line 2 spots behind you best friend. What should you do?

1. Ask him to come back to you

2. Wait. The line does not take that long


Your friends are stealing candy from the gas station. They tell you to take something too. You're pretty sure you won't get caught because there is only 1 worker and they are busy. What's the right choice to make in this scenario?

Although it seems harmless to steal a piece of candy, you never know if you will get caught or not. Whatever you're stealing isn't worth the risk of getting caught.


Name 2 things you can do to help yourself feel better after a bad day.

Watch TV, work on a hobby, video games, make phone calls to/spend time with friends/family, exercise, read, draw etc.


What is the name of this animal?



True or False: If there is an activity that we are working on in my classroom that I don't like, I don't have to do it.

False.  Even if the activity is not something you enjoy, you have to complete it before you can move on to a more desirable activity.


What car part is this? Bonus points if you can tell me what it does!


It charges the battery


If your two best friends are in an argument and want you to pick a side, what should you say?

Tell them you don't want to pick sides.

Explain you are still friends with both of them and don't think it's fair for them to put you in the middle of their issue.


True or false: It is okay to share my address with others online.

False. Do not share your address with others unless your parents allow you to do so. 


Someone skips you in line in the cafeteria. What should you do?

Option 1: Ignore it and don't worry about it. It doesn't matter who is first, everyone will go through the line.

Option 2: Explain that you were there first calmly and ask them to move to the back of the line. 


What is Ms. Amy's favorite color?
