Sharing Skills
Self Esteem
Circle of Control
Conflict Scenerios
kelso's Choice

what have you learned during SEL  lessons that you think have helped you the most?

student can share whatever has helped them this year


What is self esteem?

How I view myself. How I think I can do something. How i think other people think of me.


what is the "outside my control " part in Circle of Control-

(you can ask for help from your classmates)

the parts around me that I have no control over. For example: other peoples actions, thoughts, feelings, opinions, ideas.


when can you ask for help from an adult?

at any point of conflict or uncertainty. It doesnt matter, adults are always there to help you.


What Kelso's Choice could you use?

Scenerio: I wanted to use the swings first, but there was another kid also waiting at the playground. 

Kelso's choice: share and take turns


What was one difficult thing this year that you needed some help with and what did you do?

student can share an expereince they had in school


what is the difference between high self esteem and low self esteem.

High self esteem is - Feeling really good about self, Confident about trying new things, not afriad or worried about failing.

Low self esteem- Feeling bad about self and having low confidence about doing new things. Dont feel like you can try new things and will be good at it. Focus a lot on what others think about you.


What is " In my control" in the circle of control.

what I can do to change things. My thoughts,  my actions, my behavior, my ideas. 


You want to play a game, but your friend wants to play another. What can you do?


Take turns playing both games OR decide on one game together.


when can you use Kelso's Choice?

When I have a small problem and I need help figuring out what to do.

such as- at recess and I am having a challenge with other friends. 


What advice can you give your classmates that would help them for the summer if they got mad or sad.

student can share


what feelings do you feel with high self esteem

happy, excited, proud, confident


Why is circle of control important? you can ask your classmate for help

1. Help us focus on what you can and can not do to.

2. helps us be more empathetic to others.


You are trying to tell your mom about your day at school, but your little brother or sister keeps interrupting you. What can you do?

Ask them to stop, please wait until you are done. Ask them if it is urgent?


What Kelso's Choice could you do?

A buddy at recess was playing in the sandbox with the shovel you were using and would not give you a turn.

kelso's choice- Talk it out, come up with a solution and take turns, you can decide to go play something else.


what technique helps you improve your mood?

for example- deep breathing, calming jar, counting backwards, listening to music.


How can you improve low self esteem?

•Use positive “Self Talk “- tell yourself Its ok to make mistakes, I will try again next time.

•Think about what you do well.

•Be Kind to others: It can make you feel good!

•Surround yourself with others who are positive, kind and supportive.


What could you "control" when you felt worried during the SBA testing?

" my thoughts"- I could tell myself its okay I will do my best.


Someone calls you a name on the playground. What can you do?

It is upsetting you, what do you do?

Ask them to stop. 

If it makes me upset, I can take deep breaths. think about something that makes me happy.


what Kelso's choice would you do?

The student behind you in line keeps poking you. 

tell them to stop, ignor it.


what advice would you give your classmates to help them handle their moods better for the summer

student can share


how can you say the following in a positive way:

"I will never be good enough"

"This is too hard for me"

"I will never be good enough"--> " I will keep trying and will practice I will improve.

"This is too hard for me" --> "I will practice more and feel like it is easier"


what could you "not control" during the SBA testing that was still maybe making you feel worried?

Then what helped make you feel better?

(Ask for a classmate to help if you need it)

I cant control the questions on the test, how much time we have to take the tes.

what helped me feel better- positive thoughts- telling myself I can do my best. deep breathing.


What about conflicts can be hard? you can ask for help from your classmates

if its between friends, if the other person does not try to make it better. If it doesnt stop even though you keep doing your best to stop it or make it better.


Name as Many Kelso's Choice's as you can. (you can ask for help from other classmates)

1.Go to another game

2.Talk it out

3.Share and take turns

4.Ignore it

5.Walk away

6.Tell them to stop


8.Make a deal

9.Wait and cool off