How many members are in Select Partners?
What is 33
Duluth is located on which great lake?
What is Lake Superior
What is 91%
How many grandchildren does Rock have?
What is 7
How many numbers are on a dartboard?
What is 20
What year was Select Partners founded?
What is 2015
The Mayo Clinic is in which city in Minnesota
What is Rochester, MN
What is Asheville, NC?
What is Books
How many times has Tiger Woods won The Masters?
What is five.
What does PII stand for?
What is Performance Improvement Initiative
What is the name of the river which starts in Lake Itasca?
What is the Mississippi River
Can you name one of the members that is presenting later today at the workshop?
JW Townsend
C & C Boiler Sales
CGR Products
What is Rock's given first name?
What is Raquel
What does the acronym ESPN stand for?
(Scott Insurance)
Minnesota is the ____ largest state in the US.
What is 12
This workshop is the _______ workshop that Select Partners has had since becoming a captive.
What is 20
What year was the internet opened to the public?
What is 1993?
What are the colors of the Olympic Rings?
What is Blue, Yellow, Black, Green and Red
What is Select Partners combined premium for Policy Year 2025?
What is 12.1 million
What is Milky Way
Who founded the Grandover?
Who is Joseph Koury
What is 206
Which NFL team is the only team to finish with a perfect season (undefeated)?
What is The Miami Dolphins