Vocab Definitons
Vocab Sentences
Film Fright / Frankenstein makes a Sandwich

The first of its kind.

successful / actor / evil / original / fascinated /terror / classic / character / process

Original - The first of its kind.


This is the _________ Frankenstein movie. Many other Frankenstein movies were made after.

successful / actor / evil / original / fascinated /terror / classic / character / process

This is the original Frankenstein movie. Many other Frankenstein movies were made after.


The dog does not stop barking. It barks______.

A) very

B) constantly

C) soon

The dog does not stop barking. It barks constantly.


Why are movie monsters called "classic"?

A) People still tell stories about them.

B) People can find information about them.

Why are movie monsters called "classic"?

A) People still tell stories about them.


A person who acts in movies.

successful / actor / evil / original / fascinated /terror / classic / character / process

actor - A person who acts in movies.


The most famous ______________ to play Frankenstein in a movie was Boris Karloff.

successful / actor / evil / original / fascinated /terror / classic / character / process

The most famous actor to play Frankenstein in a movie was Boris Karloff.


The sun and stars shine _________.

A) really

B) very

C) brightly

The sun and stars shine brightly.


In what way is Young Frankenstein different from earlier Frankenstein movies?

A) It has better costumes.

B) It is funny rather than scary.

In what way is Young Frankenstein different from earlier Frankenstein movies?

A) It has better costumes.


A feeling of much fear.


A set of actions taken to get a certain result.

successful / actor / evil / original / fascinated /terror / classic / character / process

terror - A feeling of much fear.

process - A set of actions taken to get a certain result.


The Frankenstein story scares some people. It causes people much _______. Reading through a book takes a long time. It is a set of actions to lead to a certain result, finishing the book. This is called a ______.

successful / actor / evil / original / fascinated /terror / classic / character / process

The Frankenstein story scares some people. It causes people much terror. Reading through a book takes a long time. It is a set of actions to lead to a certain result, finishing the book. This is called a process.


It's 7:55pm. The movie starts at 8:00pm. The movie will start _________.

A) well

B) soon

C) slowly

The movie will start soon.


What is stop motion photography?

A) A change that takes ten seconds.

B) Long movies that are repeated often.

C) Short pieces of film that are put together.

What is stop motion photography?

C) Short pieces of film that are put together.


Having a good result or being well liked.


Very interested in something.

successful / actor / evil / original / fascinated /terror / classic / character / process

successful - Having a good result or being well liked.

fascinated - Very interested in something.


Many __________ people, people who have good results and are well liked, are ___________, or very interested, in something specific.

successful / actor / evil / original / fascinated /terror / classic / character / process

Many successful people, people who have good results and are well liked, are fascinated, or very interested, in something specific.


Read the instructions ___________.

A) very

B) nearly

C) carefully

Read the instructions carefully.


What does the monster in the poem do?

A) He chases people.

B) He borrows bread.

C) He sweeps the ground.

D) He makes a sandwich.

What does the monster in the poem do?

D) He makes a sandwich.


Someone in a story.


Old but good.

successful / actor / evil / original / fascinated /terror / classic / character / process

character - Someone in a story.

classic - Old but good.


The Frankenstein monster is an old but good, ________ ________ in a story.

successful / actor / evil / original / fascinated /terror / classic / character / process

The Frankenstein monster is an old but good, classic character in a story.


The library is not close but _______ from here. When you go inside, speak _______.

A) far, quietly

B) even, early

C) nearly, always

The library is not close but far from here. When you go inside, speak carefully.


What evidence from the selection (article) show that Frankenstein has been very popular over the years?

Answers vary. Suggestion:

Many films about Frankenstein have been made.