Parts of the Ear
What would you do scenarios?
Real Life

What parts of the ear is #1?

outer ear


The teacher is talking. She is also walking and moving around the room.  You can't keep up what the teacher is saying.  What do you do? 

Raise your hand and inform the teacher that you have a difficult time understanding him/her.  Ask the teacher to talk and stay in one spot so you can follow what he/she has said. 


What are accommodations? 

Accommodations are supports and services that help you hear, learn, and communicate better.  


What do you need to do when you arrive to college? 

Go to Student Support Services and request for your accommodations. You have to do this on your own. You are an adult. 


What's the name of your audiologist? 



What part of the ear is #2

Ear canal


The teacher is explaining how you are supposed to do an assignment.  She gives directions only one or two times.  You are unable to get her explanation. What do you do?

Raise your hand and ask the teacher to repeat what he/she has said.  If you still don't get the message, ask him/her to rephrase the statement. 


True or False:  You can have classroom accommodations and testing accommodations. 



You arrive in class and found that a student is sitting in your spot.  You asked him/her to move and he/she refuses. What do you do? 

Inform the teacher that a student is sitting in your preferential seating and you need it for your accommodation.  Tell the teacher that you have asked them to move. 

What kind of ear molds have you had?  Which ones do you like better and why?

(your comment)


What parts of the ear is #3

Ear drum


Sometimes teachers ask questions during a lesson. One kid in class who sits across the room is answering a question and you did not hear the answer. What do you do?

Raise your hand and tell the teacher that you didn't hear or catch what the student had said. Ask the teacher to repeat what the student said. 


Give three classroom accommodations. 

1) Personal Hearing Equipment

2) FM system

3) Preferential seating

4) Repetition and rephrasing

5) Closed Captions (CC)


A police officer pulls you over and starts walking to you.  What do you do?

Keep your hands on the steering wheel and wait until the police officer arrives at the window.  As the police officer starts talking to you, you let the police officer know that you are deaf/hard of hearing.  


What is it called that you have in a classroom that amplifies the teacher's voice?



What part of the ear is #8?



The teacher is talking. Some kids are making noises at their seats.  They may be trying to find papers, dropping pencils, whispering or moving their feet.  You are distracted and are unable to follow what the teacher is talking about.  What do you do? 

Let the students know that you are having trouble hearing the teacher and ask them to be quiet. If they do not listen, raise your hand and ask the teacher to repeat what he/she has said.  Explain to the teacher that you had a hard time hearing him/her due to some of the students making noises. 


When can you ask for your classroom accommodations to be used? 

During class.


A police officer pulls you over and starts talking so fast. What do you do?

Inform the police officer that you are deaf/hard of hearing and ask him/her to slow down.  If you still don't understand, ask him/her to write down what he/she was saying.

What types of technology are there to help me succeed in school and college? 




FM system


What parts of the ear is #9?

auditory nerve

The teacher is talking, but has his back to you as he/she writes on the board or faces another student.  You cannot see the teacher's face.  What do you do? 

Raise your hand and ask the teacher to turn around facing you. Explain to the teacher that you get more information while the teacher is facing towards you. 


What accommodations can you use while taking a test? 

1) Personal Hearing Equipment

2) Quiet location

3)  Extended testing time

4) Listening break


You need a job and looking to apply at several job openings.  Can you put your hearing loss in the application? 

No, you do not have to let them know that you have hearing loss until you have an interview.  


What kind of technology can help you live independently?



Amplified phones / Bluetooth with HA or CI

Alarm clocks

Alert systems