Wishing you can be a doctor when you become an adult. Actually doing the work yourself and having the determination complete the extra years of school and training.
What is Self Determination
Things that you do that are protected by law
What is Rights
Name one right and a responsibility that goes with it. You can start doing this one at 16 and need a permit to do it legally.
Name one right and a responsibility that goes with it. This allows you to choose an elected official.
Name one right and a responsibility that goes with it. You are legally responsible for this action when you turn 18. Agreements on paper.
Name one right and a responsibility that goes with it. You have a safe home
Taking care of it and being able to afford this housing
Name one right and a responsibility that goes with it. Have the job that you want.
Do the work that it takes to get and keep that job.
Give an example of what behaviors you can display at work if you want to get a promotion or raise
Apply for the position
Display behaviors that show you are interested and motivated to do a good job.
Give an example of how to self advocate for yourself at work if someone is making you uncomfortable?
Tell them to stop
Walk away
Talk to your supervisor
Talk to human resources
What does it mean to have an aggressive communication style
What is being loud, bossy, and pushy, want to get my own way no matter what