My fears
It may sound contradicting but I fear my friends will turn their backs on me yet I absolutely love being alone 24/7. I think this is because the fact that someone is there for me at all times is already enough for reassurance.
Am I attending a PSI?
Yes, I am considering attending a university in because I am interested in a deeper field of education
things that influence me
Although I don't idolize people, I know that many of my actions are influenced by my friends because they play a big role in my life without knowing it-- I start to consider their opinions when making decisions. My future would also be influenced by technology as it has become essential to everyone's life (job hunting, PSI application, public opinion, Q&A, etc.)
passion takes time; we will discover more in our lifetime
Those in my life who support me in general
I know I can rely on my friends and family when I am in a confused state. My pets are also a support system as they accompany me on my journey
my aspirations
Unfortunately, I don't have many aspirations except to live comfortably in the future without having to worry about money issues. I think this goal alone helps me create many sub-goals, like graduating high school or attending programs, that I need to achieve in order to reach my main goal.
Some other unique PSI options other than Canada
Singapore, Taiwan, US, Japan and Australia
Influence is spread using this type of modern format
With social media heavily controlling our society, people, especially younger ones, learn and are inspired by whatever they see online. Hence, it is vital that people with good intentions are in charge and correct information is spread on social media.
A passion that my future will dedicate to
I am the type of person that finds it hard to discover a true passion because just when I become interesting in something I tend to lose interest after a while; commitment issues. However, my school was able to open up a couple of options to guide me and pave a pathway for my future. I have decided it will be engineering as I discovered my skills in physics and math. (did research about the major as well)
"Studies have also shown that social support can reduce depression and anxiety. " (AmericanBarAssociation)
skill evaluation
I am very one-sided when it comes to academics. My English and social studies skills are quite lacking in comparison to my mathematics and science capabilities. When it comes to my personal trait skills, I think my ability to console/comfort someone definitely highlights me as a person. This is because my role in my friend group is cheering people up!
My career path or field of occupation
Hopefully, I will find a job in Engineering as that is what I will be majoring in at a PSI. I would also like to participate in some engineering programs or internships during my PSI years
People who hold influence in the industry
Celebrities are able to inspire many people as those who admire them may want to follow in their footsteps or earn a sense of connection.
A newly discovered passion
Recently, I discovered my passion for Computer Science through an elective I took in semester one and the CanHack2021 event
The importance of a strong support system
I believe in order for me to thrive in the future, I would need to find a source of the support mechanism that is stable enough to guide me throughout each part of my life. For example, family supports my growth, friends support my creativity, my spouse supports my occupation, etc.
A way I receive sufficient happiness
I make it my goal to ensure happiness for people I care about because I also find myself benefiting from other's laughter. Seeing those who are close to me positive makes me positive as well.
University possibilities
Although I am going to apply for mainly Canadian universities, I will not be limiting my options to only my home country and will be branching out
my influence
I may not be someone who has a lot of people to influence, however, I know I can influence those who are by my side all the time or even those whom I've spoken to at least once. Vice versa, I become get inspired by those who share insights with me.
my moral passion
I strongly believe in the importance of loyalty. I wish in the future, I wouldn't meet a time where I would have to abandon this principle as I would never imagine betraying someone who has dedicated so much time and effort to make you a better person. The same goes with my attitude towards people who are close to me regarding loyalty.
Supported by others that are unbeknownst to them
My ideas are supported by a variety of people. Furthermore, it does not necessarily have to be those that I know personally because just purely the fact that someone understands my viewpoint is enough for me to gain confidence and carry on.
school vs life
I think I am quite lucky to possess a personality where stress doesn't affect me as much. I know a lot of people who have allowed school expectations to bother their daily lives. Currently, I am slightly burdened by my school work not to the point of it impacting me at home significantly.
My specific major that I want to study in
I have yet to decide which type of engineering I would like to study at university as I am still at a point of exploring my passions and possibilities. There are a few options that I am considering like Software Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering or Electrical Engineering
significance of one person influencing
We may think that one person doesn't have the abilites to inspire many people because they are not someone famous who has a lot of followers....but this is wrong. Once we influence one person, that person will continue along and influence others in their lifetime, which creates a snowball effect with the root idea coming from that initial person.
Ways I apply my passions to my future
Other than majoring and working in Engineering or something that requires technology due to my passion for those subjects, I can use my passion to assess my satisfaction with my life as well. Am I truly working because I am interested in this field, or am I just working for the money? Can this job fully allow me to demonstrate my skills? What are other ways this job can help me explore other passions?
Group support
Anything can make someone supported. For me, sometimes I feel supported by my race because, at times, when I encounter micro-aggression, those who understand my standpoint or have experienced it first hand will back me up