Self-Care Activites
Coping Skills
Self -Care in Practice
Boundaries in Self-Care

This form of self-care involves hot water, a round basin. If you want to get fancy you can add epsom salts and candles. 

What is a bath? 

Filling your lungs with air, then exhaling. 

What is a Deep Breath? 


Doing this ensures you do your self-care at a pre-planned time. 

What is setting an alarm? 


This word is a full sentence

What is "No"


This form of self-car involves fruit, veggies, and protein at least three times per day. 

What is eating healthy? 


Tap, Tap, Tap one to the next.

What is Finger Counting? 


Doing a self-care activity daily does this.

What is making it apart of your routine? 

Boundaries define this

What is where one ends and another begins? 

This form of self-care involves driving somewhere, doing cardio, and lifting weights. If you are doing this right you will be covered in sweat.

What is going to the gym?

5 things you can you can see

4 things you can touch 

3 things you can hear 

2 things you can smell

1 thing you can taste 

What is 5,4,3,2,1 Grounding?


This is a result of not practicing self-care regularly. 

What is burnout? 


Boundaries gives this to the person setting them

Sense of Ownership 


Many say doing this is difficult, however it is required at the end of the day. If you are doing it right, you will feel rested the next day. 

What is going to bed?


Drawing, Painting, Sketching are all examples of this coping skill.

What is Art?

Telling people what you are and are not comfortable doing is a form of self-care called what?

What is setting boundaries? 


This word describes how one may feel when setting boundaries, if they are used to putting others needs first all the time

What is Uncomfortable? 


Talking, laughing, crying, eating dinner, or doing an activity with someone else is known as...

What is connecting with others?


Finding someone to talk to and discuss what you are struggling with something in life. 

What is co-regulation? 


Reaching out to a close friend or family member to talk to them on the phone or do an activity, is a good example of this. 

What is Connecting with Others? 


Give an example of setting a boundary

Answers may vary