Categories of Self-Care
Stress Management is Self-Care
Who Me?
Self-Care Activities

Bathing, Exercise, Manicure, Massage, Healthy Diet

What is Physical Self-care?


4-7-8, Box, 3-3-3, and Wim Hof

What are Stress Management breathing techniques?


One can not pour from an empty one of these

What is [a] cup?


This is the person with whom you will have the longest and most important relationship in life

Who is yourself?


1/3 of Americans name this health and beauty practice as a top self-care activity

What is a manicure and pedicure?


Yoga, Meditation, Tarot, Prayer, Worship

What is Spiritual Self-care?


A mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, without judgement or reaction, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations as a therapeutic technique

What is Mindfulness?


Depending upon the individual, this type of self-care can consist of making sure to consistently spend time engaging with others, or conversely, making sure to consistently spend time alone

What is Social Self-care?


This is known as the conscious knowledge of one's own character, feelings, motives, and desires. 

What is self-awareness?


This particular activity is often considered to be both spiritual and/or physical self-care

What is yoga?


Activities that help nurture your relationships with others

What is Social Self-care?


A feeling of emotional or physical tension that can come from any event or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or nervous. It's your body's reaction to a challenge or demand. 

What is Stress?


Elements and activities of self-care are often overlapping with this genre of tools, strategies, or techniques, meant to help us reset and recalibrate our internal alarm system

What is stress management?


The person who is responsible for making sure that you are properly cared for and fulfilled

Who is yourself/myself?


This activity can help us to healthily express our emotions and understand them more clearly by writing or typing them out

What is journaling?


Activities that help prevent future stress like organizing, scheduling, setting a budget, or performing routine maintenance on your vehicle

What is Practical Self-care?


"Life is going to throw you curve balls. What you can do in the meantime is" this

What is "practice your swing"?


A thoughtfully constructed and intentionally engaged guide or routine to promote your health and wellbeing

What is a Self-Care Plan?


Giving yourself time and attention to focus on your needs, desires, goals, and wants. This also means offering yourself the same compassion and understanding that you do to other people

What is Self-Prioritization?


This element of social self-care can be thought of as the instructions we can give others for how to engage in healthy relationship with us

What are boundaries?


Activities that engage your critical thinking, grow knowledge, and stimulate your intellect

What is Mental or Psychological Self-care?


Being this is having the desire to take away from others and not give back, but self-care is all about replenishing your own resources without depleting someone else's

What is selfish?


Practicing regular self-care helps us to be _________ in order to cope with the challenges and stresses that life presents

What is optimal?


This can be described as pride and confidence in oneself; a feeling that one is behaving with honor and dignity

What is self-respect?


This often less popular element of self-care can be described as taking responsibility for your actions and behaviors without blaming others

What is self-accountability?