Physical Self-Care
Social Self-Care
Mental/Emotional Self-Care
Spiritual Self-Care
Self-care and Recovery

If you don't get 7-8 hours of of this, your physical health will be negatively impacted

What is sleep?


Good social support should consist of people who share...

Common interests and goals. People in your support system should offer empathy and validation and encourage healthy activities that promote overall well-being. 


Starting a _____ is a great way to regulate your emotions and occupy your mind. 

A hobby! Focusing on something you enjoy every day is very important.


You can practice spiritual self-care without being religious. True or False?

TRUE! Spiritual self-care is much more than religion, and everyone can practice it.


Self-care is a powerful tool in addiction recovery and....

Relapse prevention. Self-care improves a persons chances for successful long term recovery. 


This is fuel for my body and it is important for my health that I choose the right kinds.

What is food?


Being social can decrease feelings of this.

What is loneliness? 


What is mindfulness? How can it help emotional self-care?

Being present in the moment, can reduce stress and improve emotional-wellbeing and regulation.


This is an exercise that can provide connection to your mind and body. 

Yoga. This is a very self-empowering exercise that requires mindfulness.


What are the benefits of self-care?

Reduce cravings, reduce symptoms of withdrawal, alleviate anxiety, depression, and enhance mood, they also replace negative coping skills.


This helps improve all areas of my health, and I should do this for at least 30 minutes 5 days a week. 

What is exercise? 


Building this is a result of being social and feeling secure about yourself in social settings.

What is confidence?


What are healthy ways to express feelings in a positive way?

Talking to someone safe, creating art, journaling


Spending time in _____ is very beneficial for spiritual well-being. 

Nature. Connecting to nature allows us to feel calm, peaceful, and tranquil. 


Self-reflection can help a person to....

Identify their triggers and high risk situations. It involves being honest about behavior patterns, thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations that precede cravings for drugs and alcohol. 


Brushing my teeth, showering, washing my face, wearing clean clothes

What is hygiene?


Connection is a basic human need. True or False?

TRUE! Being connected is something all humans need to thrive.


Having self-compassion means being kind to....

YOURSELF! This is when you are being gentle, kind and loving to yourself, especially in hard times.


Participation in a cause that is important to you is an example of...

Service work or volunteering


To reduce the risk of relapse a person can work to avoid triggers by

Staying away from people or situations that are linked to substance use. 


I should drink this every day to remain healthy.

What is water?


Where can you connect with others who have a shared goal of recovery?

Mutual aid meetings, self-help meetings, IOP, and recovery events. 


_______ exercises are a great tool for calming your mind and body.

Breathing exercises


Finding ______ in your life can help you prioritize things, give meaning to what you do, and help you look forward.

Purpose. Everyone should find their purpose (this can take some work and thought), this can be a motivating factor to keep going and trying when times are tough.


Healthy coping mechanisms and practices are an example of what....
