True or False
- self care
+ self care

Some good examples of self care are: Taking a hot shower or bath, doing skin care, doing a hair mask and talking to a friend.



Why is not getting 8 hours of sleep a good habit to keep? 

You need at least 8 hours of sleep every night to be able to function and feel properly recharged and ready to take on for the day. It has also been known to improve your mood.


Why is eating healthy important for your mental health and self care?

Improved mood: Eating healthy foods can help you feel better and improve your mood, Increased energy: Eating well can give you more energy, which can help you exercise more, reduced stress: Healthy eating can help you reduce stress levels. Hunger can make you more irritable and emotionally reactive to stressors.


What are some of the different types of boundaries?

Emotional, personal, physical, financial and time. 


Putting others before yourself is perfectly healthy. 



Why is using your screens up until you go to bed a poor habit/form of self care?

Blue light suppresses the body's release of melatonin- a hormone that makes us feel drowsy. While this promotes wakefulness during the day, it becomes unhelpful at night when we are trying to sleep.


What is important about positive affirmations? 

Filling yourself with positive thoughts and compliments to yourself will help you feel better about yourself and remind you that you are enough when you need to hear it most. After all this practice, you will soon believe yourself and believe these affirmations. 


What is a physical boundary that you set within your relationships?



Skipping a meal is fine to do here and there is you do not have time. 



Why is it not good to not go outside and get sunlight and fresh air?

Fresh air contains high levels of negative ions that can have a positive impact on brain function, mood and well-being. Sunlight provides Vitamin D that children need to grow strong, healthy bones and offers protection from several common disorders and diseases.


Is listening to music important to you? Is it a coping skills for you? Why? 



Saying no to other people because you do not want to do something is okay to do. 

Yes- you can decide if you want to do something or not. This is practicing a healthy boundary. 


Going outside and getting fresh air and sunshine is good for your mental health and self care. 



Why is the behavior of avoiding a poor example of self care?

You are avoiding taking responsibility and facing your consequences and pushing them off.


Talking to a close friend, boyfriend or girlfriend or a trusted adult is a healthy form of self care because ______. 



Not changing your values and beliefs based off of others and how they feel is a form of self care. 

Yes- you are sticking to what you believe and what you value. Do not change yourself and or what you believe because of other people. 


Getting to bed at a good time every night and making sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep is necessary for your health and daily functioning. 



Why is spending most of your time on social media not good for your mental health? 

You often look at what others have and get jealous of what they have and what you do not. We often tend to compare ourselves and our lives with other people's. 


Why is setting boundaries a positive form of self care?

It allows you to establish clear limits and expectations in your relationships, protecting your mental health, time, and energy by communicating what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior, ultimately preventing burnout, resentment, and allowing you to prioritize your own needs and well-being. 


Listening to others feelings and opinions is a positive and respectful form of self care and good communication because?

You are letting others speak and say how they feel and they will hopefully do the same for you and respect you, what you say and what you believe. This is a form of good social skills and good communication skills as well.