
how often should you floss 

once a day


it is recommended to scrub your hands for _______ during hand washing 

it is recommended to wash hand for 20 seconds (sing happy birthday or the ABC's 


What clothes should be changed daily and only worn once to prevent from selling bad and getting infections?

socks and underwear


How can we reward ourselves when we follow our healthy habits and routines?

Positive self-talk

High five

Points on game on card

Doing something we enjoy

Spending time with people we enjoy 

Getting a prize 


How many hours of sleep should kids get each night?

8-9 hours a night


how long is it recommended you brush your teeth 

two minutes 


what are the clues that you need to wash your hands longer ?

1. dirt under nails 

2. visibly dirty even after washing 

3. still feel dirty/ sticky 

4. the water that runs off your hands is not clear 


What items do you need to take a shower?

Body wash

Loofa/wash cloth shampoo


clean clothes

clean towel


How often should we move our bodies? Why is it important to move our bodies?

We should move our bodies every day to support healthy energy levels, muscle and bone growth and emotional regulation


What are tools/strategies you can use to help you calm down and get ready for sleeping?

Read a book

Take a bath/shower

Brush teeth

Turn off electronics

Turn off bright lights

Use a light machine

Use a sound machine

Use essential oils that are calming

Put on pajamas 


it is recommended to go to the dentist ___ a year

twice a year or 2 times 


When should you wash your hands?

What activities should you wash your hands after, or before? 

1. Hands should be washed after using the restroom

2. before mealtimes

3. coughing or sneezing 

4. anytime they are visibly dirty.


What are body clues that you need to shower?

When would you need to shower even if you don’t see the body clues? 

1. Smell sweaty 

2. Hair or skin is oily or dirty

3. After swimming/doing sports 

4. Every other day/have a routine for showering to make it a healthy habit


When are times you need to drink extra water?

After exercise or sweating 

During and after being outside in the heat 

When your pee is really yellow (like the color of a banana peel) 


What are tools or strategies that support waking up and being alert in the morning?

Drinking water

Brushing teeth

Playing music

Turning on the lights


Using essential oils that are alerting

Get dressed


what would your tooth brush look like if it were time to get a new one? 

the bristles would look old/ stick out to the sides 

bristles wouldn't feel as hard when you are brushing your teeth 

old: 2-3 months


Why is it important to wash your hands?

What do you prevent when you wash your hands?

1.You prevent others and yourself from getting sick when you wash your hands 

2. You keep your space cleaner by not tracking germs or dirt on your hands


When should you take a shower/bath?

1. When you are very dirty or sweaty

2. before/after swimming 

3. After exercise or playing sports 


What are examples of a healthy and supportive breakfast?

Eggs with toast

Fruit with yogurt

Milk and a granola bar

Bagel with cream cheese

Peanut butter on toast

Cheese and crackers

Trail mix 


Why does a consistent night time routine help you sleep?

Routines support our bodies internal clock to help us know that it is time to sleep/wake up