Self care

What is self care?

Self-care is any activity that we do deliberately in order to take care of our mental, emotional, and physical health.


What is the order of people I can reach out to if I am having trouble in class, who is someone I can reach out to?

Possible Answers: My guidance counselor, my teacher, Ms. Alexis, Ms. Selena, Ms. Dunlea


What is one way I can take better care of my physical health?

Possible Answers: get 8 hours of sleep, exercise/go for walks, eat healthy foods.

What is gratitude?

the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.


Which of these is not a self care activity?

A. Going for a walk/run

B. Skipping sleep to get things done

C. Writing in a journal

D. Calling a friend on the phone/facetime

B. Skipping sleep to get things done


How would you describe a support system? 

Answer: Social support system refers to a network of people – friends, family, and peers – that we can turn to for emotional and practical support.


“ You feel good, when you look good” what are some ways to practice hygiene at home during virtual learning or in general?

Possible Answers: dressing up for class with clean clothes, brushing our teeth, combing our hair, putting on deodorant, washing our hands.


What are three important qualities of a good friend?


trustworthy, honest, dependable, empathetic, non judgmental, supportive, listens to you when you are expressing yourself, motivates you


If you are feeling stressed, what is one way you can calm yourself down?

Possible Answers: 

Counting, breathing exercises, meditating, listening to music, going for a walk


Who is your guidance counselor and how can you reach out to them?

You can reach out to them by emailing them. Make sure to include what you need help with, and how you think they might be able to help you.


What is something you appreciate now, that you did not appreciate as much before?

No wrong answer


Describe three different ways you can show gratitude without saying "thank you". 

random act of kindness (doing a chore you do not normally do)

write a gratitude letter to someone

express appreciation in person

compliment a friend

give them a hug

make them a gift/give them a gift


Self esteem is the way you feel about yourself, and how you value yourself.

One way to improve self esteem is through positive self talk, how would you describe positive self talk?

Positive self talk is an inner monologue that makes you feel good about yourself and everything going on in your life. 

Ex: I can do better next time, I can learn from my mistakes, I am proud of myself, I am kind to myself, I am confident, I will meet my goals. 


Name 3 people that are in your support system (could be teachers, friends, family members, counselors)

Open ended, no wrong answer

Who is someone that really listens when you talk, and how does that affect you?

No wrong answer


How can you show gratitude to a friend?

Ask them how they are today, or how they are feeling

listen to them when they are expressing themselves

send them an encouraging text

offer to help them if possible


Identifying feelings or emotions are a part of emotional self care. Name three major emotions.

Answer: anger, disgust, joy, surprised, fear, sadness


Name one way you can be supportive of your friends.

Check in with them over text, facetime with them, play games together, let them know they can reach out to you if they need someone to talk to, let a parent or Ms. Dunlea know if you are worried about their mental health, be supportive of their interests, be accepting and non-judgmental.


What is your favorite holiday dish?

No wrong answer


Describe a time or situation where a friend has supported you.

No Wrong Answer