Name one consequence of not getting enough sleep.
Limits your ability to learn, listen, concentrate and solve problems. Lead to aggressive or inappropriate behavior such as yelling at others or being impatient.
Name 2 ways to stay motivated
Take breaks, mindfulness, coping skills, planning
How do you give yourself a higher self-esteem, what makes you feel better about yourself?
Give affirmation and praise, positive self talk
True or False: It is healthy to try and change someone in a relationship
False. We should not make it our jobs to try and change anyone for our own benefit. It is healthy however, to support our loved ones when they want to make a positive change for themself.
How does having gratitude and showing gratitude help with self-care? Name 1 way you can show gratitude to yourself?
It helps to manage our mood and our relationships.
We can show ourselves gratitude by buying ourselves gifts/flowers, resting, being proud of our accomplishments.
You need about ___ hours of sleep each night to function best. (Young adult/Adult)
7-9 hours
What is one way you can maintain a balance when dealing with a lot of things on your mind?
Say no to extra responsibilities- if you are able, watch something funny, meditation, call or talk to someone, ask for help
Name one healthy and one unhealthy way to deal with anger?
Taking deep breaths
Lashing out on others
Who is someone that you can turn to talk about how you feel
family, friends, significant other, counselors
Name 1 way you can care for yourself and value yourself when your feelings are hurt.
Prayer, Meditation, Seeking physical touch such as a hug, Take a walk, Journal
When your body is sore what is something that you can do?
Lay down, take a bath, rest, healthy distractions
What are some of your resources to meet your mental health needs?
counselors, family, and friends, skills learned
How does being honest about feelings, even if they are negative, help with self-care?
We can start healing when we are honest about feelings, helps with expression, helps identify our feelings better, helps us cope better
Daily Double!!
This word means the process or act of exchanging, expressing or conveying information and ideas through writing, speaking and gesturing.
Daily Double
What is a memory that you are grateful for?
Name one way to get better sleep.
Eating healthy, exercise regularly (walk), no electronics at bedtime, go to bed earlier
Name 5 ways that you can relieve stress
listening to music, talking with family or friends, watching a show, taking a walk, distract yourself with the internet
Name 2 ways in which isolating yourself can impact you
Can cause communication barriers, not engaging in activities, more depressive feelings, create wedges in relationships, can impact hygiene
Name 3 different ways that you manage or maintain your current relationships?
Calling family & friends, texting, spending time together, Conflict resolution, Boundaries
List 2 positive ways to relax
Sleeping, spending time with family, yoga, mindfulness techniques, sewing, swimming, reading a book, drinking tea, watching tv
If you are not confident about your physical appearance, what could make you feel better?
Think positive, embrace imperfections. positive self-talk, affirmations, supportive people around you.
Daily Double!!
Name 5 positive things about yourself
How can you cope when friends or family members are upset or being negative?
be there for them, healthy boundaries, empathy, emotional intelligence
What are 2 reasons that we need healthy relationships?
make us happier, improve our feelings of security, provide meaning to our lives, it also affects both mental and physical health
True or False:
"Gratitude changes your life without anything actually changing (except your perspective)"