Physical Self Care
Emotional Self Care
True or False
Other Dimensions!

What can physical self care look like?

-Practicing hygiene

-Getting enough sleep

-Taking breaks when you need them 

-Fueling your body & hydrating


What is emotional self care?

Emotional self care involves coping affectively with your life through understanding your feelings and emotional responses, creating relationships that are healthy/satisfying, and engaging in activities that improve overall emotional health.


True or False: Self Care is selfish and is a luxury.

NO! Self Care is a necessity!


What is environmental self care?

Environmental self care involves the care and keeping of the spaces you inhabit frequently (ie your home, work/school, etc) as well as understanding how other spaces and environments can affect your wellbeing.


First person to say an appropriate affirmation to a member on the other team earns their team points (Without Yelling)

and...... GO!


How many hours of sleep should you ideally get a night?

8-9 hours of sleep


Name one way you take care of your self that involves emotions.


-Reaching out to a friend


-Positive self talk/Affirmations

-Process emotions with self or trusted adult


True or False: Self care is a one time practice

False! Self care is an ongoing practice 


What can intellectual self care look like?

-Find activities or hobbies that stimulate your brain 

-Learning something new

-Actively engaging in groups, classes, activities that expand your knowledge

-Challenging yourself


How many dimensions of self care are there?



Name one consequence of not getting enough sleep

-limits your ability to learn/concentrate

-memory loss (memory storage is compromised)

-Crankiness (leads to aggression or inappropriate behavior that can affect relationships)

-Can worsen depression

-Muscle recovery/cell healing is impaired


What is something that is not emotional self care?

- Bottling up emotions

- Not expressing how you feel (in an appropriate way)

- Forcing yourself not to cry when upset

- Not taking a break or time to process 

- Yelling at someone when you are upset or blaming them for your feelings (only you control your feelings/reaction, if someone hurt you then communicate that their actions have upset you)


True or False: Self Care isn't always fun and easy.

True! Sometimes self care includes doing things that are good for yourself but aren't fun or exciting (like cleaning your space when you don't want to or going to therapy or processing something you would rather leave alone)


True or False: Financial self care involves creating satisfaction with current and future financial situations by overspending, not thinking about your finances, and not following a budget.



What's your favorite way to self care?

First person to answer wins points!


What is an ADL? (bonus points if you can give 1 example of an ADL)

Activities of Daily Living


Name one workable coping skill to use when you are angry.

-Take a break

-Rip paper (or something similar)

-Scream/yell (in an appropriate place like outside or my personal favorite: Scream sing)

-Shower to cool off


True or false: Self care is just "treating yourself", including a full day of pampering and doing whatever you like.

False: Self care isn't always easy or fun, but it can add value and support to your day-to-day life!


Name ways that you can take care of yourself that involves the social dimension of wellness.

-Spending time with friends/family/people you care about

-Maintaining healthy relationships with others

-Calling someone when you are lonely or upset. 

-Sharing a meal with your family. 

-Engaging in your community

-Having good boundaries with others

-Caring for others (and letting others care for you!)


There are 8 dimensions of self care. What dimension of self care was not mentioned in this game?



Name one recovery-oriented way you can practice physical self care this evening.

1 point for any/all correct answers!


Role play (or tell me) an example of how you can express your emotions to someone appropriately.

Best one wins points for their team (1 person each)


True or False: Self care is an individual activity and doesn't include others in your self care plan.

False. Self care doesnt mean having to isolate, it can be good to include others in your plan or reach out to others when needed.


What are some ways you can develop satisfaction with your occupational dimension of wellness?

-Being yourself in the workplace/at school

-Contributing your talents and knowledge on a subject to others

-Balancing your time at work/school/home appropriately

-Using coping skills and engaging in hobbies that decrease stress with work/school


What is an example of self-care that you can do weekly?

-Participate in hobbies

-take a break from screens (TV etc.)

-find something to laugh about

-talk to friends/parent

-Face masks or other pampering items

-Set goals for the week